Why Is Lake Tabeaud Off Limits???

Ione City Council Meeting Heats Up With A Bomb Threat, Walk Outs, & Litigation Threats

LAFCO To Finalize Jurisdictional Spheres of Influence This Week

“Griefbuster” Training To Be Offered By Hospice of Amador

Local Power Outage Causes 4462 Homes To Go Dark
Drivers Given The Green Light As Hwy. 49 Bypass Officially Opens To Traffic
Drivers got the green light for the Sutter Creek bypass yesterday morning around 10:30. The road closed sign was removed and Caltrans activated the lights. It did not take long for drivers to take the new 3.5 mile stretch of road that bypasses Sutter Creek and Amador City which will cut several minutes off of their trip between Highway 16 and Sutter Hill, as well as save the side mirrors of many vehicles that are parked along the old Hwy. 49 stretch in Sutter Creek. The new road also provides a spectacular view when headed north toward the old Hwy 49 junction. TSPN was there yesterday morning as the bypass officially opened to traffic. The Bypass was expected to significantly reduce the amount of commercial vehicle traffic through Amador City and Sutter Creek. The County and ACTC is still working on getting funds from the state to bring the old section of Hwy. 49 up to standard before it is transferred to County and Cities.
Plymouth City Council: Citizens Appear Upset Over Dead MSA Citing Lost Money

Water Investigation Around Mule Creek Continues
LAFCO Looking For A Volunteer Member