Governor Schwarzenegger: Health Care Reform
Gov. Schwarzenegger has begun his second term with a major policy announcement
regarding a health care coverage plan designed to cover virtually every
Californians. More than 6.5 million Californians, or one fifth of the
state’s population, are currently without medical coverage which according to Governor Schwarzenegger
equals higher costs for care providers and those who do have coverage in the
form of hidden taxes, higher premiums, deductibles and co-pays. The
uninsured rely on hospital emergency rooms for care and the costs of providing
that care has contributed to more than 60 emergency rooms closing over the past
decade, according to the Governor. There are seven major components to the
governor's plan, devised over
the past year with the input of numerous stakeholders, including doctors,
hospitals, the insured and uninsured. Everyone must have health
care coverage.
Small Garbage Fire at ACES in Pine Grove.
Cold Weather Leads To Icy Roads

New Officials Sworn In Today

Ione Continues Their New “Vision”

Sewer Issues & Growth Top Agenda Fore Regional Wastewater Solution Meeting

Sutter Amador Announces The First Baby of The Year

Bank of Amador Announces 4th Quarter Report Conference Call

“Smiles For Kids” Scheduled For Free Dental Care For Local Kids

Statewide Project Monitors the Efects and Impacts of Global Warming