Board of Supervisors To Consider Caltrans Agreement

Jackson Rotary Helps Revitalize River Pines

Lack of Forest Funds Hits School Districts Hard

Board of Supervisors Establishes Priorities

Sutter Gold Mine: Operation Update

Accidents on Friday 12-8-06
As the storm moved in Friday night so did the accident reports. A Non Injury accident occurred around 9:30 PM on Hwy 88 near Nob Hill. Due to the rain and wind blown debris, the female driver lost sight of her lane and skidded on the rain slick pine needles striking the embankment and then rolling over on Highway 88 blocking the west bound lane.
Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board Tightens Up Cease and Desist Order For MCSP

Barn Fire Results In Total Loss Of Building
Next a barn fire was reported on Molfino Rd just outside Jackson. The owner was reportedly burning brush in a burn pile when he believes a spark may have jumped to an adjoining tree and the spread to the barn. The barn was a total loss. Minimal loss was reported to the property itself, as well as, the surrounding buildings.
Off Duty Officers Spots Wanted Man- Now He’s Behind Bars

Another Amador County Banked Robbed