Tuesday, 06 March 2007 22:40
Father and Son Fight Leads To Shooting And Arrest

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Monday, 05 March 2007 23:27
Shooting Reported To Sheriff’s Department Last Night

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Monday, 08 January 2007 00:53
Cold Weather Leads To Icy Roads

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Tuesday, 28 November 2006 23:06
Sheriff’s Deputies Involved In Pursuit Last Night
Last night around 9:46 pm an Amador County
Sheriff’s Deputy noticed that a vehicle that had been reported stolen was being
driven on Defender Grade Rd. in the upcountry area.
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Monday, 30 July 2007 06:42
Fires and An Arson All On Friday Afternoon
Friday afternoon Fire authorities were hopping
from Jackson to Plymouth when two fires broke out within an
hour of each other. The first
fire was reported around 3:30 pm near Blue
Sky Drive on Hwy 88 in between Ione and Jackson.
Two air tankers, two
helicopters and several engines from CalFire, Jackson and Jackson Valley Fire, as well as
hand crews from the Pine Grove Camp, all responded to the incident. Hwy 88 was closed from Hwy
49 in Jackson
and Sutter Creek to Hwy 104 in Ione while firefighters got the upper hand on
the blaze. The
highway reopened about 4:30 pm. The fire burned a total of 19 acres and had
fire crews occupied until late into the night. The cause of the fire is
under investigation.
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Tuesday, 24 July 2007 00:20
CHP Reports: Close Calls Over The Weekend
It was a close call for a Pioneer resident when
the rear wheel of someone’s vehicle came flying into his lane on Saturday. According to Officer Jeremy
Dobler’s report Norberto Marquez, 35 and of Ceres was eastbound on Ridge Road entering
the sweeping curve just west of Ridge
View Drive when his 1989 Chevy suddenly lost its
left rear wheel. The wheel flew into the westbound lane where it
collided with 67 year old Robert Chapman of Pioneer’s 2001 Dodge. According to
the report neither driver was injured.
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Thursday, 12 July 2007 23:38
Bomb Discovered In Jackson: Chief Morrison Gives The Details
The Jackson Police Department received an unwelcome gift yesterday afternoon
when a citizen dropped off a suspicious package for the police to inspect.
Sgt Todd Breedlove took
one look at the item in a small soda box and started to evacuate city hall, the
police department and other surrounding properties. The Calaveras County Bomb
squad arrived on scene shortly afterward and determined that the package did
indeed contain an explosive device of some kind. Hwy 88 was closed from Pitt Street through Hwy 49 causing a
traffic backup. The bomb was detonated at about 5:35 pm causing a huge dust cloud and
main street buildings to shake, but no broken glass. By about 6 pm all roadways
were opened.(
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Monday, 02 July 2007 00:07
CAL Fire Reminder About Fire Works
The California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Amador/El Dorado Unit would like to remind you the sale or discharge of all fireworks including Safe and Sane are prohibited in all portions of El Dorado County and in most areas of Amador County. In Amador County the incorporated areas of Jackson, Sutter Creek, and Ione allow Safe and Sane fireworks in controlled conditions away from any flammable vegetation. Safe and Sane fire works must have the State Fire Marshal’s Seal of Registration on each device. Party Poppers and Snap Caps with the State Fire Marshal’s Seal of Registration are the only two items legal for use in Amador and El Dorado Counties. Temperatures are rising, the abundant grass crop is drying out, the summer weather pattern has began, and the chance of a wildland fire starting from legal or illegal fireworks is extreme. If you are in the above mentioned incorporated areas of Amador County and plan to discharge Safe and Sane fireworks make sure you have a shovel and a bucket of water or garden hose available. You can be held liable for the cost of fighting any fires that you or your children start in the state. Please be careful, be responsible and enjoy your Independence Day!
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Tuesday, 26 June 2007 00:22
City Of Jackson Hears About New Countywide Narcotics Unit- Votes To Participate

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Thursday, 21 June 2007 00:44
DA Todd Riebe Announces Workers Comp. Fraud Is Has Increased Dramatically

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