Friday, 17 November 2006 00:08
Smoke In The Air- Where’s The Fire?
Smoke Alert- November 15, 2006 - SPI announced a
series of controlled burns in various locations in Amador, Calaveras and El
Dorado counties. Smoke plumes will be visible throughout the region.
Published in
Friday, 17 November 2006 00:07
A Unique Find Discovered On Oro De Amador Property
The City of Jackson’s proceedings in acquiring
the Oro De Amador Property have lead to a unique and historical discovery.
Published in
Friday, 17 November 2006 00:06
SCADA: Modernizing The Amador Water Agency
The Amador Water Agency recently held a special
meeting regarding the further implementation of upgrades to a system that
monitors and controls many of its plant operations.
Published in
Friday, 17 November 2006 00:05
Commuting Increases On Rural Roads; Local Impacts
Rural roads are seeing the impact of growth and congestion
due to drivers that are no longer using the freeways for their route of
transportation but opting for what, at one time, were less crowded short cuts.
Published in
Thursday, 16 November 2006 06:23
Site Technical Difficulties
New and improved Video Streaming Capabilites Please Check the new
Live Broadcast.
Published in
Thursday, 16 November 2006 05:20
Healthy Kids Study Reveals Interesting Trends In Amador County Youth
Recently the annual health
kids survey was released by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction Jack
Published in
Thursday, 16 November 2006 05:07
Monument For Old Chinese Graveyard Exhumes Issues That Have Yet To Be Resolved
The Jackson City Council discussed a Monument to
be placed at the site of the Former Chinese Cemetery this week.
Published in
Thursday, 16 November 2006 04:56
Voter Turn Out: Amador County Shines Once Again
Voter turnout for the November 7 election
statewide could be the lowest in California history.
Published in
Thursday, 16 November 2006 04:46
CHP: Wet and Snowy Weather Leads To More Accidents
The Jackson Rancheria Casino
parking lot was the scene of an accident on Friday afternoon.
Published in
Thursday, 16 November 2006 04:36
Certified Local Government Seminar: How It Relates To Local General Plan Updates
Calling all, City &
County Planners, Planning Commissioners, City Council persons, Chief
Administrative Officers and Members of the Board of Supervisors as well as all
interested citizens.
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