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Monday, 24 March 2008 02:21

Sacramento’s Interchange Update

slide25.pngThe Sacramento region's busiest interchange will be getting much needed improvements. Last Thursday, Caltrans showed the public its plans to improve traffic for the Interstate-80/Interstate-5 interchange. The agency opened its doors and rolled out the maps, hoping for public comment on the improvement project. Diane Reid, an Amador County resident, is looking forward to the improvements. “I commute to work in Sacramento six days a week. The interchange is an area that is always, I mean always congested,” she said. Indeed, a significant amount of Amador County residents commute to work in the Sacramento metro area, and any improvements to the freeway are welcome.
 slide12.pngA public hearing was conducted on the Final Environmental Impact Report, or EIR, at Monday night’s Jackson City Council meeting. The task before the council was to certify the EIR for the City of Jackson Land Use Element, Circulation Element and Development Code – a project that has been in the works for over twelve years. Beth Thompson of PMC, a planning firm contracted by the city, presented the Final EIR to the council. 
slide17.pngThe Mokelumne Bluffs Final Environmental Impact Report, or Final EIR, came before the Amador County Planning Commission Tuesday night. Several citizens made requests to have the document recirculated due to changes they felt were significant enough to warrant further review by the public.  Charlie Simpson, of Insight Environmental in Stockton, says that recirculation would be a “set back of several months.”
Friday, 14 March 2008 01:58

Sutter Creek Talks Over Traffic Impacts

slide19.pngAt the Sutter Creek Planning Commission Monday night, the major topics of discussion were regarding upcoming revisions to Sutter Creek’s traffic, sign and tree ordinances. The most significant item was a review of new Traffic Impact Study Guidelines that the county will be requiring developers to follow when preparing environmental traffic impact studies.
Friday, 14 March 2008 01:55

New Garden For Argonaut High

slide23.pngArgonaut High School students may have a lot to look forward to come spring: Plans are underway to break ground on an impressive new school garden. The Special Education and Science Departments both applied for a California Department of Education grant last spring. In December, the departments learned that they would be awarded funding totaling 5,000 dollars.
Friday, 14 March 2008 01:53

Political Signage Rights in Jackson

slide25.pngThe Jackson City Council and citizens hypothesized whether or not limiting the number of political signs you display on your property is a violation of the first amendment. Most of the discussion centered on the sign size limits and time frames. Currently, the city ordinance states that political candidate signs are limited to 18 by 24 inches, two signs per property, and cannot be displayed before 60 days prior to an election.
Friday, 14 March 2008 01:50

New Pool Rates For '08

slide29.pngSummer is fast approaching, and the City of Jackson has adopted new pool rates for the 2008 season.  Daily rates for children and seniors will now be $2.00, and adult rates increased to $2.75. Swim lesson rates also went up, with the new rates for a two-week session at $40, up from $37, and the one-week session at $21, up from $18.50.  Season and monthly pass rates also increased, and lifeguard staff hourly rates were raised to accommodate rising utility and labor costs, and to raise some of the wages above the California minimum wage of $8.00 per hour.

slide12.pngAfter another 2-2 deadlock today that effectively negates approval of the ISA, the Board of Supervisors is readying to enter into arbitration with the Tribe. The decision that faced the board today was the result of a blue slipped item - the formal term for an urgent item not on the posted agenda. Last week, Supervisor Forster announced a counter offer stating that the board would consider the ISA if the clause stating that no further legal action can be taken was removed. The decision to blue slip and consider the revised ISA was introduced after the tribe yesterday stated they would agree to the revised ISA if it was approved immediately at today’s meeting.
slide17.pngUnion employees from Sutter Amador Hospital demonstrated today in downtown Jackson to make public what they perceive as unfair and unbalanced in the offers made in current contract negotiations. Sutter Amador Hospital is still in talks with union negotiators, and, although progress has been made, has yet to come to an agreement. Hospital management has thus far put down two proposals, neither of which has met the union’s satisfaction.
slide25.pngThe Amador County Unified School District Board of Trustees is seeking eight community members to serve on the Superintendents Selection Advisory Committee. They would join 12 staff members in interviewing candidates for the superintendent position, and the committee would then provide input to the Board. Current Superintendent Mike Carey has announced his retirement for the end of the year. Those interested in serving are asked to send a letter, attention school board, to 217 Rex Avenue in Jackson. Applicants should include contact information and a written summary of special qualifications that would help with committee work. The deadline for submissions is March 20th. Those selected will be notified shortly after a subcommittee of the board has reviewed all applicants.