Wednesday, 08 August 2007 01:51
Local Volunteer Fire Districts Remain Busy
The Amador Fire Protection District responded to
121 incidents in July 2007. 70 medical aids & 14
vehicle accidents accounted for 69% of the total incidents. 10 of the incidents were fire related: 4
structure fires, 1 vehicle fire and 5 vegetation fires. 50% of the total calls occurred between the
hours of 8:00 am and 5:00 pm. Sutter Creek City Fire responded to a total of 57 incidents in July as
Published in
Law Enforcement
Wednesday, 08 August 2007 01:50
Violent Video Game Sales Ban Challenged by Court
A federal Judge’s ruling that a ban on the sale of violent video games
to children is unconstitutional has Gov. Schwarzenegger vowing to appeal the
decision. Schwarzenegger, who signed the law in 2005, says many
of the games are made for adults, and choosing games that are appropriate for
kids should be a decision made by their parents.
Published in
Wednesday, 08 August 2007 01:48
Federal Study states Evergreen Trees are Drying and Dying
federal study released earlier this week states that evergreen trees are drying
and dying because of drought, a condition that may become more frequent and
more intense as the climate changes. USGS scientists in 1983 began monitoring
more than 21,000 trees in 21 locations at Yosemite and Sequoia national parks.
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Wednesday, 08 August 2007 01:42
Ballot Initiatives Announced To Overturn 4 Tribal Gaming Compacts Negotiated By Governor
Proponents of no less than four separate ballot measures dealing with
Indian gaming will begin hitting the streets after Secretary of State Debra
Bowen cleared the way for circulation and signature collection this
week. All four are directed at four gaming compacts recently signed by Governor
Schwarzenegger and each ballot initiative deals with each compact separately.
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Friday, 03 August 2007 02:00
ACTC Commissioners Make Historic Recommendation on a Project

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Friday, 03 August 2007 01:53
CHP: July Has Fewest Collisions on Record

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Law Enforcement
Friday, 03 August 2007 01:47
Sutter Amador Hospital:New Draw Station Announced
Sutter Amador Hospital
has announced the reopening of
popular off site draw station at 815 Court Street, Suite 4. This is located in the
office of Dr. John Ellyson. The draw station opens this coming Monday, August 6th
and will be open 6:30 am to noon Monday thru Friday.
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Friday, 03 August 2007 01:43
State Budget Crisis: Will It Impact Local Senior Services?

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