Senior Flu Shot Clinics Thursday
Is Ski Season On Its Way?
Crab Season Delated Indefinately
Parkinson’s Disease Support Group Meeting
Child Abuse Prevention Council Workshop
Anyone who works with children may want to attend a free training workshop on reporting child abuse or neglect. Childcare providers, clergy and church staff, teachers, or volunteers who work with children, may all be in a position to suspect child abuse or neglect. The Amador County Child Abuse Prevention Council will present a free Child Abuse & Neglect Mandated Reporter Training workshop on Wednesday, November 14, from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. at the County Administrative Center, Conference Room C. Professionals who are mandated to report suspected child abuse and neglect, as well as volunteers and others who work with children are encouraged to attend. ACCAPC uses training materials provided by the State Attorney General’s office. Please R.S.V.P. to the ACCAPC so that enough training handouts will be available. 223-5921 or email, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">'+addy_text33726+'<\/a>'; //--> . Additional workshops will be scheduled as requested.
Remember To Celebrate Our Veterans
Today services will continue in celebration of our countries veterans who have and continue to serve and sacrifice for American citizens. Originally Armistice Day, November 11th was the day when our Allied Nations and Germany agreed to end their horrific fighting in World War I. It is a celebration to recognize America's veterans for their patriotism, love of country, and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good. In observance of the November 11th Holiday TSPN would like to remind you that all schools, county government, banks and public offices will observe the holiday today by closing and many local businesses will be closed as well. In honor of Veterans Holiday American Legion Post 108 is urging you to fly your flags and thank someone who has served or is serving our country in the military.
A Sheriff’s Office Arrest of A Burglar Solves Modesto Case Too
Sheriff Martin Ryan Warns Local Citizens of Fraud
Accident Near Hams Station Slows Traffic on Hwy 88
AFPD Calls Climb in December
Amador Fire Protection District’s calls continue to climb with Battalion 10 and 20 responding to 132 incidents in October up from 118 calls in September. While the month before 77 of the 118 calls accounted for medical aides, in October that number was down 10 with only 67 of the 132 calls being for medical aid. Also the Battalions responded to 26 incidents involving vehicle accidents. Medical aides and vehicle accidents accounted for the majority of the months calls at 70% of the call totals.19 of the incidents were fire related: with 7 structure fires up 6 from the previous month, 3 vehicle fires, 8 vegetation fires and 1 dumpster fire. The AFPD reports that this month 56% of the total calls occurred between the hours of 8:00 am and 5:00 pm.