AWA Proposed Rate Increase: City Manager Mike Daly Speaks About the Impact On Jackson’s Budget

Sutter Creek Planning Commission
The Sutter Creek Planning Commission
this week held a public hearing regarding traffic concerns at the Farmers
Market. The hearing was scheduled in order to update the Conditional Use
Permit approved in 1995 and to incorporate past changes into a new document.
The meat of the discussion concerned the removal of the barricades which are
currently placed around the
farmers market to restrict vehicular traffic. Some members of the public feel
that the barriers are too restrictive of public accessibility to the market,
and should be removed. The commission, however, did not feel comfortable
opening the market to thru traffic, and recommended that the barricades stay in
place as stated in the permit. After some discussion, the conditional use
permit was approved unanimously by the commission.
Discussions on the Gold Rush Ranch Development Continue
State Department of Toxic Substances Looks at Proposed Home Depot Site

Jackson Planning Commiission OK's Expansion of New Facilities
Joint Meeting In SC Looks at Gold Rush Ranch & Golf Resort
Jackson City Council: Jackson Hills Project Discussed

ACRA Meeting: Project Manager For Park Projects Discussed

Oro De Amador Planning Process: Jackson CC Decides On Planning Committee Make Up