Car Fire Sparks A Major Meltdown
A car fire on
Hwy 88 at Hurricane Hill caused a Major Meltdown Sunday! A vehicle headed East
on Hwy 88 caught fire and was fully involved in flames by the time firefighters
arrived. The fire was
extinguished and confined to the engine compartment and front end, but the car
was a total loss.
Witnesses say the driver stated that a friend had borrowed the car and caused
front-end damage to the vehicle. Firefighters suspect that damage
caused an electrical short, which in turn caused the battery to overheat
and the car’s wiring to catch fire. There were no injuries. CHP was still
investigating. A Bill Lavallie story
Pioneer Woman Seriously Injured in Jackson Crash
Amador County Foreclosures: How Bad Is It?
Senator Cox to Speak at Amador Government 101

10 Pre Agenda Review with Richard Forster and Lucy Hackett-22-07 Board of Supervisors A
Jackson City Council To Discuss Proposed Water/Sewer Rate: Citizen Alleges Concealed Information

Accident and Grass Fire Friday Afternoon near Tabeaud Road

The Amador Water Agency Board of Directors to Honor Dan Brown