Dan Lundgren To Hold Second Town Hall Meeting
Congressman Dan Lundgren will be holding the second of two town hall meetings in his home district, which includes Amador County. His website says he will be happy to field any questions constituents have and is encouraging citizens to attend. The upcoming meeting will be held at the Galt City Council Chambers on February 4 between 7 and 8:30pm. Maps to these locations are located at the Congressman’s website, www.lungren.house.gov.
Election 2008
County Wants Input on Casino Agreement
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Wreck on 88 Near Carson Drive
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Icy conditions contributed to the downfall of a 1971 Volkswagon Beetle Monday night. A Pioneer man was driving eastbound on Hwy 88 west of Carson Drive at about 35 – 40 mph – according to the Highway Patrol report, too fast for the icy roadway. The driver lost control of his car and began sliding back and forth over both lanes. Ultimately, the VW Bug hit the ditch and rolled onto its side. The CHP report says the driver complained of pain to his shoulder and back – he was taken to SutterAmador Hospital for treatment. The Bug looks to have suffered moderate injuries as well.
Jackson Rules Zero HEU's in 2008
Also at Monday night’s meeting, the Jackson City Council ruled to allocate zero Housing Equivalent Units - or HEUs - for this year. In other words, no new housing allocations for subdivision applicants in 2008. There were a number of factors considered in this decision, resulting in public debate that questioned whether or not all the proper steps had been taken to make an accurate decision. City Planner Susan Peters, speaking on behalf of the Planning Commission, recommended not allocating any more HEUs, based on the desire to see the impacts of already-approved projects, since none have been built and occupied to date.
1-29-08 Board of Supervisors Report with Lucy Hackett
EBMUD Bans Some Boats From Pardee and Camanche
New Ballots Ready for Election Day
Jackson Building Allocation
Jackson City Council will consider several key issues at tonight’s city council meeting. Last week the Jackson Planning Commission approved sending a recommendation that the City Council allocate zero Housing Equivalent Units for 2008 – in other words, no new housing allocations for subdivision applicants. The council may go along with the planning commission’s recommendation, or choose a different allocation number. New councilman Wayne Garibaldi will be sworn in tonight and the council will begin accepting applications for those interested in serving out Garibaldi’s vacated seat on the Jackson Planning Commission. Letters of interest will be accepted until Wednesday Feb 6, for selection at the February 11 City Council meeting. Looking at one of Jackson’s most pressing issues, the council will conduct a public hearing on a Sewer System Management Development Plan, and may take action on the plan. The agenda also includes reviewing Regional firefighting proposals, and completing appointments to the city’s Oro de Amador Property Planning Committee. Tonight’s city council meeting will start at 7 pm at Jackson City Hall.
Jackson Economic Development Committee to Hold Meeting Thursday
Jackson’s new Economic Development Committee will hold its first meeting on Thursday. The committee was appointed by Jackson City Council to improve the economic viability of Jackson’s downtown areas. This first meeting will review a report of the Economic Development Workshop held earlier this month, establish goals and set up subcommittees for research between committee meetings. Thursday’s meeting will be held at 6 pm in Jackson City Hall.