Monday, 10 September 2007 23:40
Afternoon Collision Ties Up Intersection of 88 and 104 Yesterday
Yesterday afternoon around 3:30, a three vehicle
collision was reported at the intersection of Hwy 88 and Hwy 104 in Ione. The
three car collision blocked one lane of 88 and north bound 104 for about 30
minutes while emergency crews cleaned up the scene. Only minor injuries were
reported. The accident is under investigation by the CHP.
Published in
Law Enforcement
Monday, 10 September 2007 23:38
The Future Of The County Archive: A Policy Decision Is Called For

Published in
Monday, 10 September 2007 23:36
New Development Proposal Sparks Eminent Domain Discussion
A new development planned for the corner of
Jackson Gate Roadd and Hwy 49 in Martell may require some new improvements to
the roadway in the area. And then again, it may not. According to Amador county
Public works personnel a building permit has been submitted for by a local
developer for a commercial building on the southeast corner of the
intersection. This part of the property is 66-percent owned by the local
Published in
County Growth
Monday, 10 September 2007 23:35
Mother Lode Community Blood Drive Scheduled
Sutter Amador Hospital will be sponsoring a BloodSource- Mother
Lode Community blood drive to meet the community’s need for blood on Thursday,
October 4 from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m at the Jackson Civic
Center. All walk-ins are welcome. Thanks to the generosity of
local donors when you receive care at a Sacramento-area hospital, such as
Kaiser Permanente, UC Davis Medical Center, Sutter or Mercy hospitals, the
blood you receive comes from BloodSource blood donors. Sutter
Amador Hospital
receives its blood from BloodSource. Giving blood is easy, safe and takes less
than one hour, but only about 5 percent of the estimated 60 percent of eligible
Americans donate blood. To give blood, you must be in generally good health,
free from cold symptoms for at least 48 hours; be at least 17 years old (16
years old with parental consent); and weigh at least 110 pounds. There is no upper age limit for donating
blood. Prospective donors must bring a photo ID.
Published in
Monday, 10 September 2007 23:31
Administrative Committee Meeting Looks At Proposed Silver Lake Land Swap
This morning’s County Administrative Committee
discussed a potential land swap between the El Dorado Irrigation District and
the US Forest Service near Silver
Lake. The procedure,
explained Deputy County Counsel Evelyn Spirou, appears to be a resolution to
management issues on the parcels.
Published in
Monday, 10 September 2007 23:29
Health Care a Hot Topic in the State Capital
The topic of healthcare is heating up in the state capital with the Democrats planning to put their health reform bill to a vote this week. Most expect that this will set the stage for Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger to veto the Democratic plan and force lawmakers to stay in town to work toward a deal.
Published in
Monday, 10 September 2007 01:52
Amador Fire Safe Council Announces Wildfire Awareness Week

Published in
Law Enforcement
Monday, 10 September 2007 01:50
General Plan Advisory Committee To Review Policies This Week

Published in
County Growth
Monday, 10 September 2007 01:48
Pleas Entered by 8 In Contractor's Licensing Sting Op

Published in
Law Enforcement
Monday, 10 September 2007 01:46
Calaveras Probation Sting
Last week Calaveras County Sheriffs Department Detectives,
Narcotics and Probation Departments teamed up with Agents from California
Department of Corrections and Alcohol Beverage Control and conducted
Probation searches and parolee contacts. Caught up in the sting operation were
several West Point residents. Michael Blaine
Alec was arrested at his residence on Blue
Mountain Road in West Point for felony probation
violations and misdemeanor probation violations out of Calaveras County.
He is currently being held without bail. One of Calaveras
County’s most wanted was
also apprehended. Manual Alex Ramirez was arrested at his residence on Matson Lane in West Point. Ramirez was taken into custody for felony
arrest warrants from Calaveras County for identity theft, and warrants out of Amador County
for Driving on a suspended Drivers License. Ramirez is being held on the
Calaveras warrants and has a bail of $30,000. During the sting operation
Deputies contacted Lawrence Edwin Wilson who was sitting in a running white Pontiac sedan in the
middle of Winton road. Upon contact with Wilson
it was obvious that he was under the influence as well as his two passengers
George Brian Blease and Pete Campa.
Published in
Law Enforcement