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Friday, 08 May 2009 00:30

Pine Grove Community Council

slide4.pngAmador County – The Pine Grove Community Council discussed Amador County Transportation Commission membership Wednesday, and District 4 Amador Water Agency board member Debbie Dunn said they need to get on the agency’s agenda. Dunn said “regional traffic mitigation fees are getting kicked out to Ione” and “it could be the direct result of not having representation on ACTC.” Dunn said if one person on the Pine Grove Council in the last 6 years sat on ACTC, it would benefit Upcountry. She said Sutter Creek has 3 representatives on the board, with District 4 Supervisor Louis Boitano, Sutter Creek Councilman Pat Crosby and public member Dave Richards. Boitano, current ACTC Chairman, said Richards does not live in Sutter Creek. He also said he offered his ACTC chairman position to District 3 Supervisor Chairman Ted Novelli, who declined. Novelli said he “would love to be on ACTC, but not as chairman, because I don’t have the knowledge of ACTC.” Novelli said he told ACTC Executive Director Charles Field he thought Upcountry, Camanche and western Amador County areas needed ACTC representation. John Carlson said ACTC’s Neil Peacock reported that $480,000 dollars for studying “Pine Grove Corridor” traffic were still in the hands of feds and CALTRANS, because paperwork had not been properly completed. Dunn said Peacock told the council paperwork was filed months ago. Byrne said all the money is “pork barrel earmarks,” from “out-of-county.” Boitano said Congressman Dan Lungren earmarked the funds for the Pine Grove Corridor, and “if you don’t take advantage of it, it will go to Alaska to build another bridge to nowhere.” Dunn said Field advised that membership discussion was tabled, and Dunn said “we need to get back on ACTC’s agenda to talk about the (Joint Power Authority), to get Upcountry representation.” Byrne said he wants “someone rabid” to talk to the ACTC board about membership, and they discussed attending ACTC’s next meeting, 6 p.m. Wednesday, May 20th. Dunn said “2/3rds of the county” is not represented because they live in the Upcountry. Election office records show that 4,044 registered voters live in District 3, the fewest in any district. District 5 has the most voters with 4,517; District 2 is a close second with 4,408; District 4 has 4,236; and District 1 has 4,087. Story by Jim Reece This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Monday, 15 December 2008 00:00

Starbucks Settlement

slide2.pngAmador County – A former employee of Starbucks in Martell will receive $5000 in settlement funds on behalf of other employees as part of a class-action lawsuit over mileage reimbursement. Calaveras County resident Jonelle Lewis, 60, who is acting as representative plaintiff on behalf of a class, worked in three retail management positions and used her personal vehicle extensively to perform work-related duties. But the multi-million dollar corporation’s policy dictates that “as a matter of company policy, Starbucks does not reimburse employees for mileage expenses.” This is seemingly a double-standard, since executives and upper management are reimbursed for like expenses. U.S. District Judge Morrison C. England Jr. approved the settlement Friday, stating that managers “regularly drive their own vehicles to perform work-related tasks, such as making bank deposits, getting supplies and attending meetings.” The net settlement proceeds will be used to pay an average of $86 to approximately 6,000 people who joined the class action suit and filled the three types of retail manager positions in California stores between March 12, 2003, and March 19, 2008. Starbucks Corporation’s net revenues increased 3 percent to $2.5 billion in the fourth quarter of 2008, compared with $2.4 billion for the fourth quarter 2007. Story by Alex Lane
Tuesday, 14 October 2008 00:25

Plymouth Hears Pros, Cons

slide4.pngBy Jim Reece -

Plymouth residents last Thursday heard the pros and cons of the Plymouth Water Pipeline Project and potential effects of having it or not. The 2-hour presentation was by the Amador Water Agency, City Consultant Bob Reed, city developer Bob Reeder, project consultant Richard Prima and City Manger Dixon Flynn. Prima said he recommended the Pipeline as the most feasible approach to restoring city water. He noted that wells were unreliable and that returning to the reservoir project could be much more costly. He also touched on the Arroyo Ditch pre-1914 water rights, which he said may or may not withstand the test of courts. The city council members and also registered candidates for the upcoming election were part of the audience, as were consultants for the Ione Band of Miwok Indians and one of its tribal council members. Nearly 50 people attended. Flynn wrapped up the meeting, saying that Plymouth parcel holders have the right to protest and stop a water and wastewater rate increase. He said the notice of the proposed increase allowed the AWA to go out for bids on the pipeline by setting in place a financial plan that would finance a loan for the project. Flynn said there is “no long-term cheaper solutions.” He said developers are not in the business of charity and are not giving away money. Flynn said, “as Richard (Prima) pointed out: Hope is not a strategy.” He said citizens are in the position of acting on the rates and the pipeline and to be in charge of their own future. He said the estimated 12 million dollar project would have a known price when bids arrive October 23rd, and the rate structure could then be released. He said people need to know the rate structure to make their decision, saying it’s “your money, your town, your future.”

Monday, 13 October 2008 04:20

Homeless Hanging Out In Pine Grove Park

slide6.pngBy Jennifer Wilson -

Pine Grove locals have recently noticed a new addition to their community park, and it’s not exactly welcome. For some time, numerous homeless individuals have been hanging out in the park, smoking, drinking beer and sleeping on park benches. Many citizens have complained by calling the Sheriff, or lodging complaints with the Pine Grove Community Services District who own and control the park. Currently, the only law being violated is a smoking ordinance. One local mother who called the Sheriff this week to complain about a man drinking beer in the park was told that “no law was being broken.” Many mothers and caregivers have a history of bringing children to play in the park, including Sharon Boyens, owner and operator of Honeybear Preschool, located near the park. Boyens used to bring the children in her care to the park to play, but hasn’t done so in over a year. “It’s a frightening situation. Some of the (vagrants) have approached children getting off the school bus.” Soon, local residents may have some relief from the situation. The Pine Grove Community Services District has been working on a nuisance ordinance “for some time now” says Roy Ragan, a member of the district’s Board of Directors. At their monthly meeting Wednesday, the board discussed the ordinance, which will make it illegal to drink alcoholic beverages, consume illegal drugs, loiter, or smoke in the park. The district has asked Amador County Supervisor Ted Novelli to have County Counsel review the ordinance. Until then, they will be erecting temporary signs around the park that prohibit smoking, drinking, drugs and loitering. Ragan hopes the ordinance “will give us a little more teeth (in getting the vagrants out of the park).” The district’s next meeting is scheduled for November 12th at 9 AM at the district’s office in the firehouse next to Pine Grove Park. The public is welcome to attend.

slide4.pngBy Jennifer Wilson -

Daniel Lindecker, a local boy scout who completed a whopping 528 hours of community service this summer, received a Block “A” Community Block Service Award at Wednesday’s School District Board meeting. Lindecker, who started scouting as a Cub Scout, volunteered at a number of summer events, including Camp Winton, helping younger boys learn new skills and complete activities, and the advancement ceremonies of area Cub Scouts, to name a few. Superintendent Dick Glock praised Lindecker’s hard work in the community and said, “We are very proud of you.” Glock added that the most hours he has seen were “about 177,” and that 528 hours was quite an accomplishment. Lindecker enjoys helping others, and noted an outdoor event at which he helped other scouts learn to fish. “Some of them had never even been fishing. They were really excited.” Daniel’s older brother Patrick is also involved in scouts and was just advanced to an Eagle Scout this past weekend. Boy Scouts help boys in grades 6 through 11 to build character, respect for others and themselves, and learn about their world and interacting with others. There is also Cub Scouts, for younger boys in grades 1 through 5, and for older boys, Venturing, which is for boys and girls age 14 to 20. Amador County has a number of packs and troops under the Golden Empire Council. For more information about scouting or to find a troop near you, call Jim Duncan at 209-274-2980, or Tom Harris at 209-402-9958.

Monday, 07 April 2008 01:24

Ione’s Tax On Hotel Residents

slide8.jpgAt their meeting Monday night, the Ione City Council conducted the first reading on Ordinance Number 412 for amending the Ione Municipal Code regarding Transient Occupancy Tax. In 1988, Ione voters approved a measure that imposes a tax on people living in local hotels. In 2004, citizens voted to increase that tax to 10%. It is the responsibility of hotel owners to collect the tax, and then pass the funds onto the city. The city is now in the process of updating their Municipal Code to reflect the increase, although they have been collecting the tax since voters approved the measure.

City Manager Kim Kerr said she expects the process to be finalized by April 15th. In other news, the council heard a generally favorable report on Ione’s Audited Financial Statements for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2007. Certified Public Accountant Larry Bane gave a brief overview of the city’s finances, stating that Ione’s financial position is improving, as records are becoming more organized and things are being done to address weaknesses. The council members, who had already reviewed the report, thanked Bane for his thoroughness and timeliness on the audit, and also voted to extend his contract for an additional three years.

Friday, 08 May 2009 00:31

Technology Funding

slide3.pngAmador County – Amador County could become part of a regional grant application for money from the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act to upgrade its technology infrastructure. The Tuolumne County Board of Supervisors indicated Wednesday that they are preparing to file a grant application to be released June 10 from the National Telecommunications and Infrastructure Administration for e-government projects. Tuolumne is considering filing a joint application with five other Mother Lode counties, including Amador, Alpine, Calaveras and Mariposa. Supervisors said this joint effort could help improve the chances of receiving funds. Tuolumne County will be applying for just under $2 million in grants to improve the Sheriff’s radio system, the document management system, website replacement, an agenda management system and the addition of a mobile trak and E-Trakit system. Story by Alex Lane This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Monday, 13 October 2008 04:42

Berry Vs. AWA Lawsuit Remains Unsettled

slide1.pngBy Jim Reece -

Amador Water Agency Board Member Terence Moore ripped into Ken Berry and Bill Condrashoff Thursday on the lawsuit Berry filed to stop the Amador Pipeline. Moore said Condrashoff was practicing engineering without a license, providing a conclusion Berry used as the basis for his lawsuit. Moore said the AWA settlement agreement with Protect Historic Amador Waterways included the stipulation that no member of PHAW would sue to stop the pipeline project, including the small diameter pipe that would supply water to customers on the canal. Moore said that as an engineer of 40 years, he knew licensing made an engineer and that practicing engineering without a license was a misdemeanor, which could be charged if someone filed a complaint. Moore said the early cost estimate of the Amador Pipeline was $13 Million, then the PHAW suit delayed the pipeline, with its final cost being $22 Million, so the PHAW suit cost the AWA $9 Million. Berry said the suit was based on rain gauge readings and Condrashoff signed an affidavit that he was not a party in the suit. Berry said the suit was not about getting water into Jackson Creek, but rather the issue of whether the board even considered that Jackson Creek would dry up as a result of the canal dewatering. Berry offered to settle the suit in the open meeting if the “water agency agrees in principal to do the appropriate environmental studies” of the creek. Condrashoff said, “Terry (Moore), you tried to take me down there.” Moore answered, “I certainly did.” Condrashoff said he has a chemical engineering degree but not a license and that the past board did not listen to PHAW and fought the lawsuit. Condrashoff said he merely compiled some charts and data and made an engineering decision, but Moore said the conclusion – that the creek dries up with the canal’s drying up – was practicing engineering. Berry said Condrashoff’s analysis of the charts showed that the flow in the creek matched the flow in the canal, asking, “is it against the law to use common sense?” He said “If I have wasted staff’s time on bad data, then I’m perfectly willing to talk to the board.” The board then went into closed session and discussed the suit with Berry, but no settlement was reached.

Friday, 10 October 2008 01:09

Caples Lake Restoration Underway

slide2.pngBy Alex Lane -

Major efforts are underway towards the restoration of Caples Lake, after malfunctioning underwater slide gates prompted emergency repairs on July 18th. Caples, situated on the Eastern border of Amador County near Kirkwood Resort, has undergone a dramatic transformation. El Dorado Irrigation District officials, in cooperation with the Department of Fish and Game, have approved a 246,000 dollar plan to restock the lake after 36,000 acre feet of water and more than 25,000 fish were displaced to nearby Jenkinson Lake and its tributaries. The restocking plan was approved at their latest board meeting. It will be implemented in a two phase process. Phase One will begin in the spring of next year after the lake thaws. “We are hoping it just rains a ton so there is more water in there,” said Deanne Kloepfer, Department Head for Communications. Phase Two will follow over the next nine years. The board plans to acquire additional funding for further fish restocking over that time. “In (Phase One), we want to provide some trophy opportunities as well as rebuild the fishery,” Kloepfer said. Caples Lake is well-known amongst Amador County residents for its breathtaking scenery and excellent high-elevation fishing conditions. In the meantime, a temporary “bladder” dam was installed on September 20th to store as much water as possible and still protect repair crews. The lake has been almost completely dewatered between the bladder dam and main dam. Problems began in July when two badly deteriorated, 85-year-old slide gates failed. As a result, emergency underwater crews were called in for extensive repair work. Once repairs are complete, the bladder dam will be removed.

Wednesday, 19 December 2007 02:41

Rain and Snow .. And More To Come

We’ve been asking for rain and snow… and our wish has come true. Rain and wind in the foothills have made driving treacherous, but the rain is giving our thirsty hills the soaking they need. Snow has fallen as low as 3,900 feet with up to 3 feet of snow expected at high elevations. Another round of rain and snow are expected to pass over central California tonight and early tomorrow. High Sierra passes may see very gusty winds, resulting in whiteouts and dangerous driving conditions. While CHP officials are recommending people stay off mountain highways, skiers and boarders are celebrating the fresh powder accumulations, according to a Kirkwood Resort spokesperson. If you are headed into the upcountry, don’t go without carrying chains, extra food and water, and warm blankets.