Barb Marshall talks to Heather Murdock about her journey of finding faith, eating disorders, and marriage issues, while discovering her true calling in TV ministries. Part Two.

Published in Love, Hope, and Faith

Barb Marshall talks to Heather Murdock about her journey of finding faith, eating disorders, and marriage issues, while discovering her true calling in TV ministries. Part Three.

Published in Love, Hope, and Faith

Barb Marshall talks to Heather Murdock about her journey of finding faith, eating disorders, and marriage issues, while discovering her true calling in TV ministries. Part Four.

Published in Love, Hope, and Faith

Tom Slivick and Heather Murdock line up their guests for this episode of Amador Live.

Published in AML
Wednesday, 25 February 2015 19:15

Anne Boyce is on AM Live on TSPN TV Feb 25, 2015

Anne Boyce, from Common Ground, talks to Heather Murdock about Meals on Wheels.

Published in AML

Hospice of Amador picks the winners of the 'Take a Chance on Love' raffle.

Published in AML

Supervisor John Plasse gives the supervisors report on TSPN TV.

Published in AML

Supervisor John Plasse gives the supervisors report on TSPN TV.

Published in Local
Wednesday, 25 February 2015 19:09

Roam on AM Live on TSPN TV Feb 25, 2015

Heather Murdock and Tom Slivick talk about Love, Hope, and Faith with Heather Murdock on TSPN TV.

Published in AML



On Wednesday, February 25, PG&E will present the Amador Fire Safe Council with a check for $59,000 to help fulfill their mission of reducing catastrophic wildfire. The funding provided the Fire Safe Council with an opportunity to target three high-risk neighborhoods in rural parts of Jackson, Pine Grove and Pioneer. The work primarily consisted of road edge clearing to remove hazardous brush and fuels below power lines.

The presentation will take place at a location where work was completed, at no charge to local residents.


Wednesday, February 25, from 9 to 10 a.m.







KC Ranchettes

Intersection of Oak Road and Pioneer Drive

Jackson, Calif.



In 2014, PG&E funded about 100 local Fire Safe Council projects to create fire breaks in and around communities, improve emergency access roads and help low-income residents clear defensible space from around their properties to protect them from fire. The funds were used to hire contractors to complete the Fire Safe Council projects, freeing up CAL FIRE personnel to answer the call of the ever-increasing number of fires in the state.



Work locations where fuel reduction occurred

Large check presentation from PG&E to Amador Fire Safe Council



Brandi Ehlers, PG&E, (916) 386-5522

Cathy Koos Breazeal, AFSC, (209) 295-6200


Posted by TSPN TV 

Published in Local