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Monday, 19 November 2007 00:49

From County Courthouse to Community Center?

The Amador County Recreation Agency is looking at whether to convert the former county courthouse in Jackson to a community center. Although it needs considerable upgrading, Tracy Towner-Yep, Executive Director of ACRA says the historic building appears to be seismically sound and the cost would be much less than constructing a new building. Towner-Yep believes funds could easily be garnered for the project. It was decided at the November 14 ACRA board meeting that the possibility of a community center would be further considered as part of a larger ACRA strategic planning process.
Last week’s Amador Government 101 workshop on city government was visited by State Assemblyman Alan Nakanishi, and former Lodi city councilman, who shared his lessons learned: He told the audience: First, just because you lose, you are not a loser – he did not win his first election. Second, when you lose or fail, you are stronger – he learned from his losses and kept trying, and finally -- persevere, persevere, persevere – if you do, victory can be attained and the is proof is his election to the California Assembly. He believes serving in public office is honorable and encouraged citizens to consider running for office.
The California Highway Patrol is reminding drivers to play by the rules and help make the state’s roads a safer place during the Thanksgiving holiday. Beginning Wednesday, November 21 at 6 p.m. through Sunday, November 25, the CHP will implement a maximum enforcement period, putting every available officer on the road. In addition to busy roadways, inclement weather is another factor motorists may have to contend with. Rain, fog, wind and snow have been known to create not only frustrating, but also hazardous conditions for drivers. Last year, during the Thanksgiving holiday, 42 people died in the 4,768 collisions that occurred in California. More than half of those killed were not wearing their seatbelts. Another sobering statistic -- last year 1670 people were arrested by CHP officers for driving under the influence over the Thanksgiving holiday; nearly a 10 percent increase from the same time period the previous year. The local Amador CHP office hopes that everyone has a safe and enjoyable holiday. Please buckle up and “Designate Before You Celebrate.
Thursday, 15 November 2007 23:14

11-15-07 School Board Report with Lucy Hackett

Thursday, 15 November 2007 23:06

Jackson Water and Sewer Rate Hearing

Jackson City Council met Tuesday evening to a public hearing and multiple discussion items. The two most hotly contested items of the evening were the public hearing regarding the consideration of water and sewer rate increases and the Consideration of Jackson Hills Golf Course and Community Project Referenda. The public hearing began with a presentation by City Manager Mike Daly on the city’s projected deficit of $193,718 for the sewer system and $157,281 for the water system. Since August, the Amador Water Agency has increased the wholesale treated-water rate by 22% and the current water purchase cost is projected to increase from $606,000 to $741,000 in 2007/2008. The last water rate increase by the City was 4.0% in 2004 after a citizen committee scrutinized water and sewer department operations.
Thursday, 15 November 2007 23:05

Jackson Hills Will Be Put To a Vote

Jackson City Council also took up the Jackson Hills Golf Community Project issue. In October, 2 referenda aimed at stopping the Jackson Hills project were submitted to the city and validated by the county elections office. The City had two options at this point: either repeal the resolutions against which the petitions were filed or submit the resolutions to the voting public. The soonest the referenda could meet election deadline requirements is the June 3, 2008 Statewide Primary Election. Public comment on the issue revealed confusion regarding the development agreement between the City and Jackson Hills’ developers.
Thursday, 15 November 2007 23:02

Accident on Ridge Road Wednesday

The California Highway Patrol reported on a vehicle accident Wednesday on Ridge Rd. A Sutter Creek woman driving a Dodge Neon was on Ridge View Drive, stopped at the intersection of Ridge Road. An Ione man was driving his Ford Explorer east on Ridge Road at a stated speed of 50 miles per hour when the Dodge Neon pulled out directly in front of him. The driver of the Explorer attempted to take evasive action but collided with the Neon and spun off the roadway where it hit a fire hydrant. Fortunately, none of the four occupants of the two cars were injured.
Thursday, 15 November 2007 23:01

Stop - Don't Burn Those Pine Needles

Recent attention has been focused on the impact of burning leaves and pine needles on our local air quality. According to a report by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, several leaf and yard waste fires burning simultaneously can cause air pollution equal to that made by large factories or congested traffic. In the fall in Amador County, there’s a lot of leaves – and burning has traditionally been a popular leaf-disposal method. Burning, however, requires a permit, can be restricted on certain days, and is polluting. But there are options for disposing of the bounty of leaves and for putting them to use on site. Instead of burning pine needles, pine cones, and leaves, area residents may bring them to dumpsters provided by the Amador Air District.
A Placerville man suspected of drunk driving narrowly missed hitting other cars in a single-car accident, according the California Highway Patrol. Matthew Carlile, 29, of Placerville was traveling south on Hwy 49 north of Plymouth when he attempted to slower traffic ahead. When he entered the northbound lane to pass, Carlile saw a vehicle approaching  in the northbound lane but was unable to safely maneuver his car back into his own lane. He braked and slide off the northbound shoulder into a drainage ditch, just missing oncoming traffic. Carlile was not injured in the accident, but he was arrested at the scene for driving under the influence of alcohol.
Effective today, November 15th at 8:00 am, the CAL FIRE Amador-El Dorado Unit is declaring the end of fire season. Although fire season is ending in the Amador-El Dorado Unit, CAL FIRE will continue to maintain and staff equipment to respond to local emergencies as well as meet statewide needs. Burning Permits from CAL FIRE will no longer be required within State Responsibility Areas in Amador and El Dorado Counties. Burning can only be done on permissive burn days as determined by the California Air Resources Board and the Local Air Quality Management District. In addition, Burn Permits from the local Air District may be required based on the type of open burning being conducted. To determine the daily burn day status in your area call Amador Air District at 223-6246. This information is updated daily.