Amador County News, TSPN TV News Video, 8-11-11 ·       Business leaders seek $25,000 from Supervisors to form a new Economic Development Corporation. ·       Proactive Ione Police work leads to quick solving of theft from a local pizzeria, and recovery of the stolen property. ·       Supervisors asked two local Economic Development groups to discuss working together or a possible merger. ·       Kiwanis International dedicates a new bench to forever…
    Amador County News, TSPN TV News Video, 8-8-11 ·       Supervisors will consider a comment letter on the California fire fee for rural residents in CDF Responsibility Areas. ·       A County resolution supporting the Gravity Supply Line said it would cost less than replacing the existing system. ·       ACTC readies for the next stage of its UPlan traffic planning tool. ·       Master Gardeners, and local deep-rooted farm families supported…
    Amador County News, TSPN TV News Video, 8-8-11 ·       The School District was awarded a non-matching grant for $155,000 to purchase a 77-passenger wheelchair bus. ·       PERC Water plans a September presentation on a pending agreement to design, build, finance and operate a new city sewer plant in Ione. ·       Plymouth City Council will hear an update this week on the status of two residential developments. ·       A…
  Amador County News, TSPN TV News Video, 8-5-11 ·       Quick aid by an off-duty Ione Volunteer Patrol Officer helped a combined effort to resuscitate a heart attack victim. ·       Sutter Creek looks at long-term regional potential as it prepares an RFP for its Wastewater Master Plan. ·       Ione’s new interim city manager adjusts to the city’s technical and intense workload. ·       CDF gives tips to safely clear defensible space…
    Amador County News, TSPN TV News Video, 8-4-11 ·       Ione will hire a third paid fire engineer despite no finalized 2011-2012 budget, because it is funded by Measure M. ·       Sutter Creek approved drafting a request for proposals for updating the city’s sewer master plan. ·       Amador Planning Commission next week holds a public scoping session for a proposed 380-acre aggregate mine and processing center near Ione. ·      …
    Amador County News, TSPN TV News Video, 8-3-11 ·       Sutter Amador Hospital announced the addition of a new lab manager, Michael Mangunlay. ·       Sutter Creek sees work, and costs increase on repair of Gopher Gulch Canal failures ·       Buena Vista Rancheria critics are urging a tax sale of tribal lands, while the County Tax Collector says his office awaits resolution of a property status disputes. ·       Sierra Nevada…
    Amador County News, TSPN TV News Video, 8-1-11 ·       Supervisors last week discussed the need for a Gravity Supply pipeline in AWA’s Central Amador service area. ·       Jackson City Council took a virtual tour of its wastewater treatment plant last week, in preparation for a new facility ·       Supervisors funded Life Line and Meals on Wheels programs with Coast to Coast Rx discount royalties. ·       NorCal Foresters plan…
    Amador County News, TSPN TV News Video, 8-2-11 ·       The 2011 Amador County Fair saw attendance and junior livestock proceeds rise over 2010 numbers. ·       Regional U.C. Cooperative Extension said last week that reorganization will not hurt Amador County service ·       Congressman Dan Lungren said the Budget Control Act is not perfect, but it gets the country on the right step toward a “Balanced Budget Act”. ·       Jackson…
    Amador County News, TSPN TV News Video,7-29-11 ·       The Jackson Rancheria plans layoffs for 150 employees, and a revamp of its Casino and Restaurants, to strengthen its future. ·       Amador Supervisors defended their support of the AWA Gravity Supply Line, saying it was support for reliability. ·       A Calaveras County man helped his elderly neighbor flee the recent Middle Bar wildfire, when the two drove their vehicles through…
    Amador County News, TSPN TV News Video,7-27-11 ·       Supervisors passed a resolution supporting, and urging completion of the AWA Gravity Supply Pipeline. ·       Supervisors decide to leave the Cooperative Extension office funded for another year. ·       Amador Supervisors criticized GSL foes. ·       Amador County Fair returns Thursday with its standard fare of eclectic entertainment.