Tuesday, 11 May 2010 06:52

ACTC Opens Bid Period for Admin Facility Construction

slide4-actc_opens_bid_period_for_admin_facility_construction.pngAmador County – The Amador County Transportation Commission last week advertised a notice to bidders for the construction of its new administration facility in Sutter Creek. The ACTC plans a “mandatory pre-bid walk-through” May 19th at the site. The notice published last Friday announces that the commission will “receive sealed proposals” for construction of the 3,500 square foot building, with the closing of the bid period being 2 p.m. Wednesday, June 2nd, when the bids will be “publicly opened and read aloud.” The project consists of about 2/10ths of an acre of “site work” and the building construction, as shown on contract documents prepared by ANOVA Architects of Placerville. The notice said “contractors wishing to be considered must possess a valid Class B general building contractor license, present required bonding, and provide a written bid that conforms to the contract documents and bidder instructions.” Bidding documents can be examined at the Sacramento Regional Builders Exchange, Placer County Builders Exchange, El Dorado Builders Exchange, the Builders Exchange of Stockton, and Valley Builders Exchange. The project is “subject to prevailing wage provisions” of labor law, and ACTC “will initiate and enforce a Labor Compliance Program,” as required by law. The notice said ACTC “has a goal of 4 percent participation by disadvantaged business enterprises” on the project. The administration facility will be built next to the newly completed and opened Sutter Hill Transit Center, which was also subject of a notice Friday. The ACTC is seeking bids for landscaping at the site, also in a sealed-bid format to be opened June 2nd. Landscaping contract bid documents and plans can be examined and purchased for $25 at the ACTC office at 11400B American Legion Drive in Sutter Creek. The work is subject to state prevailing wages, and because federal funds are involved, each contractor must also comply with federal wage requirements of the Davis-Bacon Act,” and the “higher of the 2 rates (state or federal) must be paid to each person working on the project.” The work includes landscaping and “hardscaping,” and requires a Class A license. Story by Jim Reece jim@tspntv.com