Tuesday, 07 September 2010 06:38

AWA OKs residents laying own water lines

5_awa_oks_residents_laying_own_water_lines.pngAmador County – The Amador Water Agency board of directors agreed to allow property owners on Claypit Road to install individual service connections at the end of the Eagles Nest Pipeline from Ione. Property owners on Claypit Road have been pursuing water service to their area since 2003, but found that the task of extending the Eagles Nest Pipeline was too costly for a handful of property owners. Ron Hess, representing Claypit Road property owners at the August 26th meeting of the AWA board, said the proposed service connections and laterals from the intersection of Eagles Ranch Road and Lambert could be affordable for his group, particularly if they are successful in obtaining grant funding to offset some of the costs. The property owners will be required to obtain all state and local permits needed and meet AWA’s design standards for the water lines and a necessary pump station. In July, Hess told the board that an estimated cost to extend the main would be $500,000 to be paid by 6 property owners who were seeking to connect to AWA services. AWA engineer John Griffin said it “was a very rough estimate, with very little detail.” Hess said he currently trucks in water from Ione, and pays a monthly hydrant meter bill to the AWA. Part of the property owners’ argument of extending their own lines, possibly smaller than the main, was that it was an area that butted up against the county line, so the AWA would never have the interest of extending services into another county. Story by Jim Reece This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.