Wednesday, 06 June 2012 02:18

Upcountry Community Council looks for input on Buckhorn Town Center


Amador County – Upcountry Community Council is seeking input from Buckhorn area property owners on Amador County’s “Town center” designation for the area.

UCC Chairwoman Lynn Morgan sent a letter to 64 Buckhorn property owners whose addresses were provided by the County, and she thanked Supervisor Ted Novelli. Morgan sent Council members a copy of the final version of the letter (mailed May 31) in case they have questions.

Morgan in the letter said “Upcountry Community Council has started a discussion on how to create a unique identity for the Buckhorn Area. We think that developing a strong mountain-oriented theme could emphasize the area’s identity, making it a more attractive place to shop.”

She said: “This could increase the value of properties and the community as a whole and strengthen its economic viability in the future.” The Amador County Supervisors’ “proposed County General Plan designates Buckhorn as a Town Center in Pioneer, adding focus to the area. Under this new designation, the County will be reviewing zoning and making decisions about future development in the community.”

Morgan said it “opens up the opportunity for us to provide guidance to the County in advance of future decisions in the area. For these reasons it is timely to discuss ideas about the future of the Buckhorn Town Center area.”

Some ideas UCC has mentioned are developing a logo, placing entrance signs at each end of the area, and looking at how to develop and promote a “mountain architectural” theme for properties visible from Highway 88.

The Council is made up of any community members who attend, and make decisions on consensus of those present. Morgan said the Council “would like to communicate the results of our community discussions with the County Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors.”

In the letter, she asked property owners if they would be willing to join the Council for a pot luck dinner and discussion about the Buckhorn area at the July 9 UCC meeting. Those unable to attend were encouraged to share thoughts about the issue with UCC by phone or e-mail.

Morgan said the “purpose of this potluck will be to host property owners defined in the current, proposed Buckhorn Town Center to begin to gather feedback about our desires for that Town Center area.”

UCC next meets 6-8 p.m. Monday, June 11 at the Veterans Memorial Hall on Buckhorn Ridge Road in Pioneer. Morgan said the meeting will primarily focus on determinants of fire insurance costs Upcountry. One speaker will be Anne Lintz from State Farm Insurance and may have experts from county fire agencies.

The Monday meeting will also “tie up details” of the July 9 potluck meeting.

Story by Jim Reece This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.