Friday, 29 August 2008 06:23

Gold Rush Comment Period Ends Today

slide12.pngAs the period to comment on the Gold Rush Ranch and Golf Resort’s Draft Environmental Impact Report draws to a close on August 29th, citizens both for and against the project are rallying forces. For the last year, the project’s proponents have executed a vigorous public outreach program, holding numerous public information workshops to promote the project, in addition to becoming involved in community activities and service. At this point, project sponsor and the face of Gold Rush, Troy Claveran, has become a familiar face in the streets of Sutter Creek. For several months, project supporters, which include multiple Sutter Creek business owners, have been especially vocal, appearing at city meetings and endorsing the project at their businesses. However, in the last several weeks, opponents to the project have begun to gain momentum as well. Monday night, about 100 Sutter Creek residents attended the Planning Commission meeting, which included a period of public comment on the DEIR. Comments for and against the project were about 50/50. Supporters of Gold Rush say that the project, which includes an 18 hole golf course, club house, and over 1300 residences, bodes well for the area’s businesses and commerce. Opponents, on the other hand, say that the project will ruin Sutter Creek’s small town atmosphere and way of life, and will be a visual blight on the area. Sutter Creek resident Bart Weatherly has begun a campaign with the aim of convincing the city to scale the project back to its original proposal. Weatherly said that he believes residents should be able to vote on the project. The City Council and Planning Commission will be holding a joint meeting on Tuesday, September 2 at 6:00, to review the project’s fiscal study, wastewater plan, and development agreement. Members of the public are encouraged to attend.