Wednesday, 03 September 2008 02:08

Wicklow Way Final EIR Now Available

slide9.pngThe Wicklow Way Project Final Environmental Impact Report, or FEIR, is now available for public review, and a public hearing on the FEIR is set for September 23rd. The proposed project, which will be located behind the K-Mart and Wal-Mart stores, will include approximately 504 single family residential lots, 99 town-home lots, 5 acres for a 75 to 125 unit apartment complex, four commercial parcels totaling approximately 29.4 acres, one 8.5 acre-parcel for a future school site, and a total of 29.8 acres for parks and pathway areas. At last week’s Amador County Technical Advisory Committee Meeting, ACTC Director Charles Field reported that his agency had “looked at the transportation issues in-depth” over the last six months and was ready to submit the findings to the county. Field indicated that he would like to see the traffic conditions finalized before the planned public hearings to be held on September 23rd. Amador Citizens for Smart Growth director Kathy Allen voiced her concern of “long term water availability,” citing a 2007 law that stipulates that a project cannot move forward without a water reclamation project. The public can obtain a copy of the Wicklow Way Final EIR at the county’s website,,, listed in the Planning Department’s section. A public hearing on the Final EIR is scheduled for September 23rd at 810 Court Street, in the Board of Supervisors Chambers.