Tuesday, 16 September 2008 02:20

Ione Looks At Changing "Home Business" Code

slide21.pngBy Jim Reece - The Ione Planning Commission met last week and discussed the city’s new home-based business code, looking at prohibiting signs in residential areas. City Manager Kim Kerr said the commission asked staff to revise language in a proposed change to a resolution now in place that creates the municipal code on home businesses. Commissioners asked staff to insert language removing signs from people’s homes and make some adjustments on the types of businesses that would be allowed to be operated in homes in residential areas. They also discussed limiting the number of cars parked at home businesses. The discussion included disallowing small appliance repair. Other types of businesses discussed included beauty shops, barbers shops and massage parlors. Kerr said there was still another step in the process, a public hearing, tentatively scheduled for Oct. 14. The hearing would be needed for any changes made by the council, as the code was enacted in August by an emergency resolution. The home occupation resolution is in effect but the draft ordinance is not. The city council meets at 6 p.m. today (with closed session to begin at 5 p.m.). slide24.pngThe Council today will consider reappointing Planning Commissioners David Plank and Mike McDermed to 4-year terms, through October 2012. The council will also consider reappointing Park & Recreation Commissioners Russ Baldwin, Rosemary Johnson and Laurie Lord to 2-year terms, running through 2010. Also on today’s agenda, the Ione Business and Community Association seeks to install a sign adjacent to Howard Park, with staff recommendation that the IBCA be responsible for its maintenance.