Wednesday, 17 September 2008 04:27

Board of Supes Honors John Escamilla

slide23.pngBy Jim Reece - The Board of Supervisors passed a Resolution honoring retiring Amador County printer, John Escamilla who retired after 30 years with the County. Board Chairman Richard Forster read the resolution, and in the introduction noted some of Escamilla’s milestones. He was born September 19, 1942 on Hill Street in Jackson. Married Rosalie Pryor Escamilla in September 2003, “to whom he is married today and living in a newly constructed home on a lot less than half a block from the house in which he was born.” He graduated from Jackson High School in 1961 and played football at Sacramento City College from 1961 to 1963. He started in the mail room at the Sacramento Bee in 1963 and transferred to the composing room in 1964. He spent 6 years as an apprentice at the International Typographic Union and became a journeyman printer in 1970. During a strike, while visiting his parents, Escamilla applied for the job of Amador County Printer and was hired by the County September 14, 1978. Forster said John Escamilla worked as the sole printer for Amador County until 1998 and endured some office woes. He started in with an office in the basement of the old hospital. In 1982, he moved the office into a double-wide trailer in the public works yard, “managing to keep paper dry in spite of numerous leaks in the old trailer.” In 2000, GSA moved into its new building on Airport Road, creating a spacious, dry print shop facility. Escamilla assisted with planning, layout and arrangement of equipment in the shop. Forster said “John is well known for his love of the game of tennis and now looks forward to becoming a professional tennis buddy.” The resolution commended Escamilla for 30 years’ service with Amador County. John is the brother of District 1 Supervisor Richard Escamilla, who after the presentation said John “did a Hell of a job.”