Thursday, 18 September 2008 03:55

Board of Supes Approves County Budget Cuts, Accepts Furloughs

slide11.pngBy Jim Reece - The Amador County Board of Supervisors approved the county budget with a few changes to its own funds, at the recommendation of Chairman Richard Forster. Forster encouraged board members to sign up for the 7-day county furlough program, in order to help the county meet its budget. He also suggested capping each supervisor’s district discretional funding with no carry-over to the next year, and capping supervisors’ travel expenses at $5,000 instead of the current $18,000, total for all supervisors. Supervisor Louis Boitano asked about travel to the California State Association of Counties meeting in San Diego, saying that the trip would cost $600. Forster said he thought supervisors should pay it themselves. Supervisor Ted Novelli said he thought that people working their last year before retirement from the county should be allowed to decline taking the furlough, so to avoid double-dipping, and to keep from affecting their pension. Novelli said he was willing to do the 7-day furlough. The board approved a $5,000 cap on supervisors’ travel reimbursement for all of the board’s travel costs combined. They also capped their discretionary spending at $10,000 with no carry-over to the next year except if carry-over is specially applied for. The changes passed 4-1 with Brian Oneto voting against.