Friday, 19 September 2008 02:32

Golfers Rally in Support of Gold Rush Ranch

slide4.pngBy Holly Boitano - Golfers lined up to speak in support of the Gold Rush Ranch and Golf Resort project at Monday’s Sutter Creek City Council meeting, where the council discussed the project’s financial plan. Councilman Pat Crosby said it was “the best public input session that has ever taken place in Sutter Creek.” Several people wore Gold Rush support stickers, including Sutter Creek resident Rob Floyd, an avid golfer who urged the council to “hurry up with this process and bring this thing to fruition.” At least a dozen like-minded golfers and business owners followed, encouraging the city to accept the development. Business owner Dennis Griffin also wore the support sticker, and said “This thing in the next five years is going to produce a lot of money for Sutter Creek, I believe at least $700,000 a month in sales tax.” Lisa Klasowski, president of the Sutter Creek Business and Professional Association said that her group met last week to vote on whether to publicly support the project, but that project proponents asked them to abstain at the last minute, due to “timing concerns.” The council reviewed the project’s financial plan, which held some critical data. Financial Consultant Craig Hill of Northcross consultants said that the intent of the report was to “focus on capital needs, rather than ongoing expenses related to providing services to the community.” At the heart of the discussion was the estimation that, at build-out for the project -- estimated in 2023 -- the annual negative fiscal impact on the city would be $500,000 a year, or $300 per home per year. To remedy the impact, the City will consider imposing an annual tax on Gold Rush Residents of $300, in addition to property tax. Project Proponent John Telischak said “One criticism we had is that we feel the study understates our positive impacts. This project will create more demand for retail throughout the city.” He said developers generally agree with conclusions of the analysis, and intend to pay their own way. The Sutter Creek Planning Commission addresses the Gold Rush Ranch project in a 7 p.m. meeting Monday, looking at how the project meets the city General Plan. On the agenda is considering directing staff to prepare the project’s Final Environmental Impact Report.