Tuesday, 23 September 2008 01:27

General Plan Alternative D Workshop This Saturday

slide18.pngBy Jennifer Wilson - Amador County's General Plan updates will be moving one step closer to completion this Saturday, when county officials will hold a public workshop on Alternative D. This newest option was born out of review and public comments of Alternatives A, B, and C, which were the result of the General Plan Advisory Committee meetings, held over an 18-month period between 2007 and 2008. Since Alternative D has not yet been discussed in depth, the county is holding this special meeting to gain public input. The county's ultimate goal is to update Amador County's General Plan and to set forth "the goals, policies, and objectives for land use and project development decisions for the next 20-plus years." The endeavor, collectively called, "The Path to 2030," has been discussed at just about every meeting in the county. At last week's Upcountry Communities Council meeting, UCC member Bob Currall spoke on the subject and gave the council an update on the most recent text changes to the General Plan as a result of several public workshops that occurred in June. In an effort to provide Upcountry's input, Currall is encouraging all Upcountry residents to attend the monthly UCC meetings. At the next meeting, he will be organizing citizens by geographic area to answer important questions about those areas in the Upcountry. Currall said that "your little part of the County is important to you," and the UCC wants to hear your input. The next meeting will be held 6 p.m Tuesday, October 16th at the Veterans Hall in Pioneer. For more information, contact Bob Currall at 295-7630. The Alternative D Workshop will be held this Saturday, September 27th from 1 to 4 PM at the County Administration Building, 810 Court Street in Jackson. For more information on the General Plan update, visit the Amador County website and follow the Amador general plan thread.