Tuesday, 23 September 2008 01:51

Large Turnout At Camp Out For Cancer

slide8a.jpgBy Alex Lane - A large turnout and strong community support for the fight against cancer made for another successful "Camp out for Cancer" event Saturday and Sunday at Argonaut High School. The fundraiser was sponsored by the Amador Support, Transportation And Resource Services Foundation, an organization formed by local cancer activists for the express purpose of raising funds for local cancer needs. Argonaut's track and sports field were transformed by a circle of booths and tents, sponsored by local businesses selling various items to support the cause. Within the circle were a large number of tents where teams of cancer survivors spent the night and shared their experiences. "We're here to honor and celebrate those touched by cancer," said Ginger Rolf, who has served as chairperson of the event since its inception 5 years ago. "We'll raise funds for the purpose of supporting local cancer needs," she said. According to Rolf, 90 percent of the funds raised will stay in Amador County and 10 percent will go toward research. This year's event goal was to raise 100,000 dollars. The highlight of the fundraiser began at dusk Saturday evening. Candlelit bags were lined up along the track, each one representing a victim or survivor of cancer. The bags were each purchased through a 5 dollar donation. Among the other activities, there were a number of live bands, a free lunch for cancer survivors sponsored by InCahoots Restaurant in Plymouth, and a survivor celebration which honored all the survivors of cancer with a lap around the field. Rolf said "Without the support of the whole community, this event would not have been possible."