Wednesday, 24 September 2008 04:43

Fiddler's Jam Sees Big Turnout

slide28.pngBy Jim Reece - The Fiddler’s Jam brought music and at least 1,000 people to Fiddletown last weekend, raising roughly 4,000 dollars for the community center there. Lead Organizer Dan Slater said the Fiddler’s Jam went better than had been expected. “It was down some from last year, but it was better than my expectations,” Slater said. He did not have the final numbers, with one outstanding bill to pay, he could only estimate the funds raised, which will go to repairing and upkeep of the Fiddletown Community Center. He estimated that they made just under 4,000 dollars. The event probably had 30 people who volunteered to help out for an hour throughout the day-long jam. He estimated the crowd to be somewhere around 1,000 to 1,100 people. “I was very pleased because I had expected with the economy and the gas prices that we would be down considerably,” Slater said. “It’s so hard to guess on these things.” The jam had two bands, nine fiddlers competed in the fiddling contest, a couple that plays a duet performed and at least a dozen other musicians played, either solo or with bands. He said a lot of them come out and just jam on the street or in one of the homes there. All proceeds are going to the Fiddletown Community Center, for information output and for repair and upkeep of the center. The Fiddletown Community Center plans a Children’s Halloween Party on Halloween, and also plans an evacuation seminar today. Lynn Olsen of the Amador County Office of Emergency Services will be conducting an evacuation seminar for people in the Fiddletown area, 7 p.m. today (September 24) at the Fiddletown Community Center, open to all people in the region. Slater said the seminar is open to the public and should give important and useful information to people in the area.