Tuesday, 30 September 2008 05:02

Public Invited To Water Plan Workshop

awa-macplanupdate.pngBy Jennifer Wilson - The Amador Water Agency believes water management and conservation are critical to Amador County’s sustainability and future growth. With a series of public workshops in October, local residents will have the opportunity to assist in that endeavor. The AWA is inviting county residents to a series of three public workshops beginning October 21st regarding the update of the Mokelumne/Amador/Calaveras Integrated Regional Water Management Plan. The plan, nicknamed “The MAC Plan,” was developed in response to guidelines established by the California Department of Water Resources in conjunction with its administration of the Proposition 50 grant program, which was started in 2002. In November 2006, California voters passed Proposition 84, which is more commonly known as the “Safe Drinking Water Bond Act.” Now that Prop 84 has passed, the DWR has been revising its guidelines and criteria, which necessitates an update to the MAC Plan. AWA is looking to form a Regional Participants Committee to “provide critical input and guidance” for the Upper Mokelumne River Watershed Authority, which will be sponsoring the meetings. The AWA says “participation by watershed stakeholders…will be essential as the Authority takes the necessary steps to update the MAC Plan.” The first public workshop will be held Tuesday, October 21st in the Board of Supervisors Chambers at 810 Court Street in Jackson. Food and beverages will be provided. For more information, you can contact Gene Mancebo of the AWA at 257-5245.