Thursday, 09 October 2008 01:40

Public Works Gets Creative In Light Of Budget Restraints

slide1.pngBy Alex Lane - During Tuesday’s Board of Supervisors meeting, members of the Amador County Public Works Department recapped extensive road repairs they’ve made across the County. “(During the) last 19 plus years, there have been nothing but overlays,” said Road Superintendent Barbara Belvoir, in reference to the traditional and more effective method of road repairs in the County. But due to ever-tightening budget constraints, Public Works has been forced to get creative. “Over the last four years we’ve seen a huge shift in rural counties towards pavement preservation, something that in the past we would just replace,” Belvoir said. She outlined a number of inventive techniques that are not as beneficial as a full overlay repair. These include much-needed repairs to areas of Gayla Manor, Ridge Road and Climax Road in the upcountry area. All in all, we spent 1.1 million on the roads during this (fiscal year),” she said. “It wasn’t perfect…but I would like to keep all of these (repair methods) as tools in the future.”