Tuesday, 21 October 2008 02:54

Proposition 7: Solar & Clean Energy Act

slide2.pngBy Alex Lane - And now, our continuing report on the Propositions you’ll be deciding on in the November ballot. Today we’ll discuss Proposition 7, which would require government-owned utilities to generate 20 percent of their power from renewable sources by 2010, 40 percent by 2020 and 50 percent by 2050. Also known as the Solar and Clean Energy Act, it would require all utilities to provide more solar, wind, geothermal, biomass, tidal, and small electric energy. Supporters call Prop 7 a “balanced solution that will reduce the rising costs of energy, limit the dangers of global warming” and lessen the demand for foreign oil. Supporters say that “if utilities fail to meet energy standards, utilities are prohibited from passing on penalty costs to consumers.” Supporters say “Prop 7 is guaranteed never to add more than 3 percent to our electricity bills.” But opponent see Prop 7 as a “deeply flawed” measure backed by an Arizona billionaire. They say that “Prop 7 contains a competition elimination provision shutting smaller renewable energy companies out of California’s market.” Opponents say it undermines the power of local government and vests too much authority in the California Energy Commission to make crucial decisions. On November 4th, you’ll have the opportunity to help decide.