Tuesday, 06 January 2009 00:00

Possible Jackson Smoking Ban Causes Controversy

slide4.jpgAmador County – A controversial smoking ban under consideration by the Jackson City Council is being discussed at the same time as many local health officials continue a public campaign warning of the dangers of secondhand smoke. Supporters of the ban feel that smokers may offend visitors and increase health problems on a street already suffering image and economic troubles. Although the ban has only gone as far as open discussion, some smokers are already up in arms. “No matter what restrictions they put in place, they will never be able to keep smokers from doing their business, or just doing it somewhere else,” said one Jackson resident who works downtown. But some health officials believe the risks justify regulation. “The good news is that, unlike some public health hazards, secondhand smoke exposure is easily prevented,” said Diana Evensen of Tobacco Reduction of Amador County. She added, “Smoke-free environments are proven, simple approaches that prevent exposure and harm.”

According to the U.S Surgeon General’s comprehensive scientific report on the effects of secondhand smoke released in 2006 and referenced by the Amador Health Department, nonsmokers who are exposed to secondhand smoke inhale many of the same toxins as smokers. Even brief exposure to secondhand smoke has immediate adverse effects on the cardiovascular system and increases the risk for heart disease and lung cancer, the report says. “The report is a crucial warning to nonsmokers and smokers alike,” said Dr. Bob Hartmann, Amador County Health officer. But citizens who feel smoking restrictions are a violation of their personal rights are standing up against the possible ordinance. One downtown smoker put it bluntly: “If you don’t want to smell my smoke, just get out of my way, and I will tolerate things I don’t approve of you doing.” Story by Alex Lane (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).