Tuesday, 13 January 2009 22:39

More Work Ahead For Gold Rush Ranch

slide5.jpgAmador County – Work still stands ahead for developers of the Gold Rush Ranch & Golf Resort and the Sutter Creek Planning Commission. Consultant Anders Hague said he and developers have modified the traffic study, which the commission will be seeing. And on questioning from Commisioner Mike Kirkley, Bob Delk of ESP Consultants, Hauge said he is working on an Environmental Impact Report for the project’s impact on water and wastewater systems in the city. He said he has been working with Assistant City Manager Sean Rabe on those impacts. Rabe said Gold Rush must pay for its fair share to treat or store effluent, whether it is used as irrigation at the golf course or if it needs to be stored, which could expand capacity of storage ponds. Kirkley asked when that EIR would be done and Rabe said “it’s got to be done before the project is approved.” Kirkley also asked whether a school site had been identified in the project, as reported in a recent story in the local newspaper. Amador County Unified School District Superintendent Dick Glock was in the audience and was asked about the report. Glock said a site had been offered by the developers and the school district had accepted 17 acres as a possible school site. Glock said “we have agreed to an arrangement where it becomes a school site if we so choose.” That would happen only after the project is approved. Some maps shown at the meeting drew puzzled reactions from the commission, and Peters said it was likely the result of developer Greg Bardini having to work with “crummy maps” in making his own maps for the project. Bardini confirmed that, saying “what you see is what we saw on the maps or what we interpreted.” Peters asked that Bardini look at the line weights to see if they match up, adding that “I guess that’s all we can do.” Peters and Cunha both found multiple errors in the City General Plan zoning description tables and noted the need to revisit and revise the General Plan. Story by Jim Reece (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).