Monday, 25 January 2010 01:12

Sutter Creek to Take Bids on Sewer Maintenance

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slide5-sutter_creek_to_take_bids_on_sewer_maintenance.pngAmador County – The Sutter Creek City Council agreed to take bids for septic system maintenance, after a woman representing a local company said she would like to bid on the work. Amy White said her company, Aloha Septic of Sutter Creek, has a vacuum truck and should be allowed to bid on the city contract, which the city council had on its consent agenda for approval. City Manager Rob Duke said the agreement “memorializes the city’s relationship with Sweet Pea Septic,” to be the city’s on-call company for “emergency spill work in the city.” Duke said Sweet Pea helped the city prepare an emergency sewer spill plan, when one was required some years ago. The company has a vacuum truck service and with an office on Sutter Hill, it was the leading company because of the requirement of a quick response time for emergency calls. Duke said contracting with out-of-town companies was not feasible, but he did not realize a septic company was based in the city. White said her company should be allowed to place a bid on the work. The city council agreed, and Duke pulled the agreement from the agenda and told the council he will take it out for bids. The agreement with Sweet Pea noted that the city’s sewer system requires a “management plan to have repair and maintenance capabilities for the system 24 hours per day, 7 days per week,” and it is “not economically feasible for the city to have shifts available on that basis,” hence the contracting for the emergency septic services. The contract listed Sweet Pea rates for “pump out, cleanup, and sewage disposal services,” a minimum of 1 hour billed per call on weekdays at $140 an hour during business hours. At night and on weekends, the company would bill a minimum of 2 hours per call at $180 per hour. Story by Jim Reece This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Read 3596 times Last modified on Monday, 25 January 2010 04:54