Friday, 29 January 2010 00:51

General Plan Update Panel to Work on Housing Element Feb. 24

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slide4-general_plan_update_panel_to_work_on_housing_element_feb._24.pngAmador County – The Amador County General Plan update panel will reconvene in February and take a look at draft changes to the county’s “Housing Element.” The joint meeting of the Amador County Board of Supervisors and the county Planning Commission was called by the Amador County Planning Department for 1 p.m. February 24th in Supervisors’ chambers. The meeting, announced by the Planning Department, will “review and comment on the proposed update to the County General Plan Housing Element.” Cara Augostin of the Planning Department said the draft changes to the county Housing Element “will be available fairly soon, probably in the second week in February.” She said the planning department no has an administrative draft that they are working on, but the public draft of the document will be available in about 2 weeks. District 5 Supervisor Brian Oneto, new chairman of the supervisor board will preside over the meeting, in which supervisor votes have final say over decisions. Augostin said the draft changes take and combine some programs, rewrite some areas of the Housing Element and suggest altogether removal of some areas. She said some of the changes are required by the California Department of Housing and Community Development, which will comment on the Housing Element. Draft changes must be approved by the supervisors, and the HCD will comment on the housing element, in light of its requirements in various areas, such as housing for the handicapped. The county planning website lists a summary of achievements since 2005 in the Housing Element, and notes that the county “seeks to streamline its housing programs” in the updated version. The county has been “unable to take action on many programs,” and “no new income restricted housing has been constructed in Amador County since 2005.” The summary said the “county has an effective and successful first-time homebuyer program, but other challenges, including infrastructure challenges, impede housing production.” It said the “county plans to incorporate a higher-density General Plan designation into the updated General Plan.” And it noted that a “key barrier” to “appropriate sites for affordable housing in Amador County is the lack of water and sewer infrastructure, not lack of appropriately-designated land.” The summary noted a need to increase the availability of water and sewer service as a means of encouraging affordable housing. Story by Jim Reece This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Read 341 times Last modified on Friday, 29 January 2010 05:14