Wednesday, 03 February 2010 00:52

Supervisors to Discuss Sutter Hill Regional Transit Center Solar Project

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slide3.pngAmador County – The majority of the discussion at the Board of Supervisors meeting Tuesday surrounding federal appropriations requests centered on a solar energy project at the new Sutter Hill Regional Transit Center. Amador County Transportation Commission (ACTC) Executive Director Charles Field said the project is considered the final phase in the construction of the new facility located off Bowers Drive on Sutter Hill. He said solar shade structures will be installed over the facility’s Park and Ride lot to provide premium shading for commuters as well as solar energy for public buildings and electric cars. Field said there is not currently a need for a charging station for electrical vehicles, but ACTC is anticipating a need in the future as electric vehicles become more prominent. He said the solar energy output is estimated at 105,000 kilowatt hours and extra power will likely be generated. County Lobbyist David French, speaking via phone, said this clean energy is estimated to offset 140,000 pounds of CO2 emissions. Supervisor John Plasse questioned how French determined those statistics. French said they were determined by engineers and he could return with more information. Field said that if funds are obtained, the transit center project is estimated to be completed in 2011. Story by Alex Lane This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Read 527 times Last modified on Wednesday, 03 February 2010 05:22