Monday, 08 February 2010 17:00

Ione Appoints Kerr, Jordan to ACTC Roundtable

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slide1-ione_appoints_kerr_jordan_to_actc_roundtable.pngAmador County – The Ione City Council last week appointed City Manager Kim Kerr and City Planner Christopher Jordan to represent the city on a 15-member regional traffic planning “roundtable.” The Amador County Transportation Commission’s “stakeholders” roundtable that will take area input in making its Regional Transportation Plan update. The council voted to approve Mayor Skip Schaufel’s selection of the city manager and planner to represent the city as member and alternate member of the roundtable. Kerr in a January 29th memo said participation by the city appointees would be paid through the city General Fund and Special Funds. Kerr said “there is no additional cost to participate other than staff time to attend the meetings.” ACTC Executive Director Charles Field explained the 2010 RTP Update Stakeholder Roundtable in a January 27th letter to Schaufel and the council. Field said “as the Regional Transportation Planning Agency for Amador County and its five incorporated cities,” it is ACTC’s “core responsibility to develop and maintain a Regional Transportation Plan in order to plan, prioritize, and fund multi-modal transportation improvements of regional significance.” California law requires ACTC to update its RTP every 5 years. Field said “in order to enhance stakeholder involvement,” the commission, which included Ione Councilman David Plank, “intends to establish an advisory committee comprised of various stakeholder representatives to actively participate in recommending policies and priorities” as the update is developed. The purpose of the Stakeholder Roundtable, Field said, is to “ensure that the concerns of a broad cross-section of local and regional interests are represented throughout the planning process.” In the letter, Field said “ACTC is requesting that the Ione City Council appoint a primary and alternate representative with delegated authority to speak on the city’s behalf in regards to regional transportation policies and priorities.” In order to ensure the group’s success, Field said “it is the ACTC’s desire to work with individuals who are able to make a commitment to collaborating with other participants by respecting differing opinions, providing informed input, ensuring regular attendance, and balancing local/special interests with a regional perspective.” After member appointments – due by February 17th – ACTC “will contact each representative in order to explain the planning process and proposed ground rules.” Story by Jim Reece This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Read 4611 times Last modified on Tuesday, 09 February 2010 04:54