Wednesday, 10 February 2010 01:10

Registrar Certifies Petition for Sutter Creek Referendum on Gold Rush

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slide1-_registrar_certifies_petition_for_sutter_creek_referendum_on_gold_rush.pngAmador County – Amador County Registrar of Voters Sheldon R. Johnson last week certified a petition challenging a resolution by Sutter Creek regarding the Gold Rush Ranch & Golf Resort. Johnson announced that “after the proponent filed this petition, I verified the required number of signatures by examining the records of registration in the county, current and in effect at the respective purportive dates of such signing, to determine what number of qualified electors signed the petition.” Of the 468 “unverified signatures,” Johnson verified 177 signatures, of which 163 were “found sufficient,” 12 were “found insufficient,” and 2 were withdrawn. Johnson received 6 requests filed by signers to have their signatures removed from the petition. Johnson certified the petition on February 4th. Deborah Smith of the elections office said Tuesday the office stopped verifying and checking the signatures after verifying the adequate number of 159 signatures needed to place the referendum on the ballot. The petition included 102 sections, and each section contained “signatures purporting to be the signatures of qualified electors of this county,” Johnson said. Smith said the elections office had notified Sutter Creek by fax that sufficient signatures had been verified to certify the referendum. Smith said city officials had not yet picked up the petition, which was attached to copies of resolution Number 09-10-16. She said the issue can be put to a vote at any date within 88 days of an announcement by the city, but it is up to the city to determine the date for the election. The Sutter Creek City Council must decide if the referendum becomes part of the primary ballot in June, or there regular ballot in November. Bart Weatherly, one of the proponents of the referendum, a member of Preserve Historic Sutter Creek, said he did not want a special election for the referendums they sought against 2 resolutions approved by the Sutter Creek City Council. One resolution approved the Specific Plan for Gold Rush, and the other amended the city General Plan, with regard to the project. Story by Jim Reece This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Read 400 times Last modified on Wednesday, 10 February 2010 04:59