Tuesday, 09 March 2010 08:40

AWA Could Resume Discussion of Cooper's Paper on GSL

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slide3-awa_could_resume_discussion_of_coopers_paper_on_gsl.pngAmador County – The Amador Water Agency board of directors resume discussion of whether to approve the $13.4 million Gravity Supply Line later this month, somewhere in the Upcountry. The meeting will be 1 or 2 p.m. March 25th, at a location to be determined. Interim General Manager Gene Mancebo said AWA’s board president and vice president had some items they disagreed with, and pointed out to the board, during a discussion February 25th of an informational paper prepared by District 3 Director Don Cooper. Cooper said he planned to discuss his GSL paper during “district reports,” but Dunn requested it as an agenda item, with discussion and possible action on public relations policy for board members. Cooper said he and Dunn worked on PR policy together in a committee last year and never reached an agreement. He was “a little surprised to bring this back to the board as has happened here, but that’s OK. There seems to be quite a bit of disagreement in some of these committee meetings by board members and we bring it to the board and have them review it on a complete basis.” Cooper offered a suggested PR policy he had drafted, and Dunn moved that they refer Cooper’s draft policy to committee for additional review and consideration. Condrashoff tried to paraphrase Dunn, saying “AWA directors should only give out information that is in agreement with their agency.” Cooper said: “I don’t care if it’s factual or fiction. It’s what I have to say about it. You have a right to say what you want to say. There’s no policy otherwise.” Condrashoff said Cooper’s paper did not agree with the AWA board’s approved “White Paper” on the GSL. District 5 Director Terence Moore said he had “no desire to waste this board’s time talking about Don Cooper’s opinion.” Story by Jim Reece This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Read 370 times Last modified on Wednesday, 10 March 2010 04:58