Monday, 29 March 2010 18:00

Community Meetings Address Educational Funding Crisis

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slide1-community_meetings_address_educational_funding_crisis.pngAmador County – In response to public concern over school district budget cuts and impending layoffs, the Amador County Unified School District has scheduled community meetings where residents will have a forum to voice their concerns. Over the past three years, the district has been reduced $14 million in revenue from the state. In a recent interview with TSPN, Superintendent Dick Glock said the district is left with few options and must explore different ways to make up the difference, including reductions in classroom size and staff. “There is no good outcome to actions we must take. It’s about financial survival, not about what’s good for kids and students,” said Glock. The school board recently authorized notices of dismissal to be sent to 56 district and 10 special education employees. Glock said if they laid off everyone on the list they “still would be a million dollars short” of breaking even. While the number of layoffs expected locally is small compared to bigger districts, the percentage of teachers facing unemployment is huge. 26 percent of ACUSD and Amador Office of Education teachers are expected to receive pink slips. The district is encouraging the public to contact their elected officials “who make the decisions that threaten schools.” These include Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, Senator Dave Cox and Assembly member Alyson Huber. The community meetings have already begun and will be held at every school site within the ACUSD jurisdiction. The next community meeting is scheduled for Thursday, April 1st at Pioneer Elementary School at 6 p.m. Other upcoming meetings will take place at Jackson Junior High, Jackson Elementary, Argonaut High School, Sutter Creek Elementary, Independence High School and Community Court School. Contact your school or the school district for more information. Story by Alex Lane This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Read 333 times Last modified on Tuesday, 30 March 2010 06:24