Wednesday, 31 March 2010 18:00

Public Comment Sought at Hwy.88 Corridor Project Meeting

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slide3-public_comment_sought_at_hwy.88_corridor_project_meeting.pngAmador County - An upcoming public scoping meeting will give upcountry residents another opportunity to comment on the proposed Pine Grove Highway 88 Corridor Improvement project. After years of cost analysis and gathering public input, the Amador County Transportation Commission “proposes to modify State Route 88 through Pine Grove in order to reduce congestion, improve operations, and enhance safety between the intersections at Climax Road and Mount Zion Road,” according to a release from the agency. The project originally included three options that proposed two bypasses or a widening of Highway 88 in order to adapt to increased traffic flow through the tiny community. Initial staff estimates for the widening project estimate it will cost $2.27 million. Last summer, Congressman Dan Lungren earmarked an additional $356,000 to be used for project planning. Last week, ACTC Planner and Program Manager Neil Peacock reported that agency subcontractors were taking a new traffic count, as requested by the California Department of Transportation. Peacock also reported that Dokken Engineering reviewed Caltrans cost estimates in the “Project Study Report” for the Pine Grove Corridor Improvement project, and “have determined that entirely new cost estimates need to be provided as further alternative-specific details emerge in order to have accurate, uniform, and comparable cost estimates” with each “alignment alternative” under consideration. The Public scoping meeting will take place Wednesday, April 7 at 5:30 p.m. at the Pine Grove Town Hall. An open-house at 5:30 p.m. will include maps, exhibits, graphics, and one-on-one discussions.” A presentation is set for 6 p.m. in which representatives from Caltrans and ACTC will “discuss previous studies conducted, next steps for the project, and answer questions.” Story by Alex Lane This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Read 234 times Last modified on Thursday, 01 April 2010 06:46