Friday, 02 April 2010 02:01

AFPD To Discuss Hiring Firefighters, Measure M Funds

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slide1-afpd_to_discuss_hiring_firefighters_measure_m_funds.pngAmador County – The Amador Fire Protection District board of directors on Tuesday (March 6th) will discuss the Amador County proposal for a county-wide fire protection services plan, and will continue discussion from its last meeting on hiring paid fire personnel. Chief Jim McCart said that last month Amador Fire Protection District’s board of directors looked at a “statement of revenue collected from the Measure M sales tax for fire protection services.” McCart said the sales tax revenue split for the fiscal year was approved by the Amador Fire Protection Authority to base allocations on populations and emergency calls in jurisdictions. McCart said AFPD is a member of the Amador Fire Protection Authority, and has one vote like the other members. He said AFPD was “instrumental in getting the sales tax measure passed.” Allocations as of February included $805,000 to AFPD; $319,000 to Jackson; $222,000 to Sutter Creek; $218,000 to Ione; $111,000 to Lockwood; and $166,000 to Jackson Valley Fire. AFPD’s Measure M Hiring Plan includes hiring a battalion chief to oversee new firefighters. AFPD in the plan will hire firefighters for Battalion 10 in Pine Grove and Pioneer; and Battalion 20, covering Plymouth, Fiddletown, River Pines and Willow Springs. The full-time firefighters will staff stations 24 hours a day. Proposed staffed stations initially would be Number 11 in Pioneer and Number 122 in Plymouth. McCart on Tuesday said Measure M revenues are expected to total $1.8 million for this fiscal year. As of Monday, $1.7 million had been collected through Measure M revenue. Fiscal year 2008-2009 estimates show population served by AFPD was 18,692 people, or 57 percent of the county population. AFPD took 1,454 calls, or 39 percent of county calls. AFPD’s population and emergency call totals include affiliate Plymouth Fire Department’s Battalion 20. Jackson Fire works for 4,051 people (12 percent of the population) and responded to 894 calls, or 24 percent. Sutter Creek and Ione fire departments both averaged 11 percent o the population and emergency calls, Jackson Valley fire averaged 8 percent and Lockwood 5 percent. County voters in November 2008 approved Measure M, to “enact a half-cent sales tax for fire protection and emergency medical response services, with the proceeds allocated to local fire districts.” The ordinance created funding that included “reallocation to reflect any changes in the number of districts,” and the funds are “to be used for paid fire fighter-emergency medical response personnel to staff existing fire stations, administrative support, and volunteer insurance, training and incentive programs.” Story by Jim Reece This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Read 482 times Last modified on Friday, 02 April 2010 02:10