Friday, 09 April 2010 04:21

County Releases Details on Departmental Reorganization

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slide5-county_releases_details_on_departmental_reorganization.pngAmador County – The Amador County Administrative Agency on Thursday released details on the recently approved reorganization of County departments as proposed by County Administrative Officer Terri Daly. “This is no longer business as usual; things have changed and we have to change with them,” said Daly shortly before the board approved the plan on Tuesday. The release says “the reorganization is the result of the financial situation of the County which has not changed dramatically since the mid-year budget update which was presented to the Board last month.” Daly said “we anticipate a $4.7 million shortfall in our General Fund for the 2010-2011 fiscal year, which represents about a 12 percent overall cut to next year’s budget.” The plan reduces 11 existing departments “who have overlapping or shared functions” into 5 units: Administration, Community Development, Health & Human Services, General Services Administration and Public Services. All 5 units fall under the supervision of Daly, who in turn reports to the Board of Supervisors. At Tuesday’s meeting, Daly anticipated the possible dismissal of 5 or 6 employees in management or mid-management positions as a result of the plan. She estimates the reorganization will save $500,000 in salary in the coming year. Daly said the key principles guiding the proposed reorganization are cost savings, eliminating job silos, creating a strong management team, instilling more flexibility into the organization and setting the groundwork for future growth and expansion. “With the Board’s approval of the reorganization, the department heads and I will immediately begin working on the implementation details. In the weeks ahead, much work will be required within each department to identify the appropriate departmental changes to find maximum efficiency and effectiveness within each unit,” said Daly. Three departments- Veteran’s Services, Probation and the Ag/Air UC Extension – are not affected by the change and will report directly to the Board of Supervisors. Story by Alex Lane This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Read 472 times Last modified on Friday, 09 April 2010 05:59