Monday, 24 May 2010 06:04

Snow Closes Emigrant Trail to Memorial Day

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slide5-snow_closes_emigrant_trail_to_memorial_day.pngAmador County - The Mormon Emigrant Trail, located in the Eldorado National Forest between Jenkinson Lake and Highway 88, will not be open to through traffic Memorial Day Weekend due to snow, the Forest Service announced today. Snowdrifts, as deep as five feet near Highway 88, continue to block the popular forest road. The Forest Service does not plow the road and it may remain closed into the middle of June. “The blessing of a good snow year will cause some inconvenience for travel through the high country. It’s important for people to help spread the word that this route is still closed,” said Acting Eldorado National Forest Supervisor Duane Nelson. “In the past, people have missed the road closed signs or believed the GPS devices in their vehicle when it told them to take Mormon Emigrant Trail, only to be stopped by snow. At best, they lost some valuable time, but in some cases they spent a very uncomfortable night in the cold.” Travelers are invited to check the Eldorado National Forest website for recreation related information: Visitors may also receive important road information on Twitter by joining the Eldorado National Forest twitter: Eldorado NF. And, visitors can check with the nearest ranger station for road and campground information. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Read 466 times Last modified on Monday, 24 May 2010 06:27