Wednesday, 26 May 2010 05:56

Governor Opts Not to Eeclare End to Drought

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slide3-governor_opts_not_to_declare_end_to_drought.pngAmador County – Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has chosen not to declare an end to the 3-year drought, despite record rainfall for the spring season and intense storms predicted throughout the state into June. Critics say the Governor’s decision is a political tactic to support an $11 billion water bond measure he has pushed for years, set for public consideration in November, as reported in a story in the San Francisco Chronicle. The bond will build new dams and water storage facilities, as well as provide a restoration plan for the San Joaquin-Sacramento Delta. As of April 30, state measurements show the Sierra snowpack is 143 percent of normal compared to 67 percent of normal in June, 2008, when the Governor first declared a drought in the state. As of that same date, Folsom Lake was 89 percent full compared to 2008’s measurement and Shasta Reservoir was 98 percent full compared to 61 percent two years earlier. The Governor and his staff have said low levels at other reservoirs like Lake Oroville - which is currently only 65 percent full – are the reason for keeping statewide drought status. “California’s snowpack at the start of this month stood at over 140 percent of average,” said Jonas Minton, a water policy analyst for the Conservation and Planning League and a vocal opponent of the bond measure. “The average voter will be able to tell this is not a drought.” Schwarzenegger’s decision means California will officially enter its fourth year of drought on June 4. A winter storm warning is in effect as the Sierra braces for more snow storms through the week. Temperatures in Amador County and across the capital region are setting record lows. A moist pressure system is expected to bring more rain to the region through Thursday. This weekend will see a return to warmer temperatures, although the forecast high of 75 is still almost ten degrees lower that the average temperature for Memorial Day. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Story by Alex Lane
Read 488 times Last modified on Wednesday, 26 May 2010 06:29