Wednesday, 02 March 2011 05:21

Air Board considers Dry Creek Mine’s request for seasonal, sliding-scale permit fees

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slide4-air_board_considers_dry_creek_mines_request_for_seasonal_sliding-scale_permit_fees.pngAmador County – The Amador County Air District board of directors last week discussed a request for a seasonal, sliding scale for mining permit fees, and directed staff to look into the issue.

Carol Forster and Ron Matulich of Dry Creek Mine made the request, as its mine is a seasonal operation. Air Board and Supervisor Chairman John Plasse said it appeared it was not in the county conditions of agreement, but appeared to be a request.

Matulich said he has a road maintenance agreement with the county road department, which sets forth the use periods based on rainy season or weather. Supervisor Louis Boitano said since it was only a 6-month operation, why could the county not inspect the mine every other year, and charge half the cost each year.

Air District Officer Mike Boitano said the inspector still would have the same work to do. He said other companies, “other pits,” might deserve to get the same treatment if they are also seasonally in operation.

Louis Boitano said he supported inspection every other year. He said these are tough times, giving the example that at home, he was considering whether they really needed 300 TV channels, or if they could get by with the basic package, and also whether they needed a “land line,” when everyone in the family has cell phones.

Supervisor Ted Novelli said he would like to see the sliding scale make fees more “user friendly,” and he suggested they direct staff to look to see that the road department agreement with Matulich was in place, and to check its wording.

On a 7-0 vote, the board directed staff to look into the Dry Creek Mine road agreement, and also to do research on seasonal use permits, to be brought back to a later meeting. They also directed staff to look into Matulich’s request for a recalculation of the fees he paid over the last four years, for a possible refund.

Story by Jim Reece This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Read 2948 times Last modified on Wednesday, 02 March 2011 05:56