Tuesday, 08 May 2012 01:39

AWA sends out informational letter to Lake Camanche Village water and wastewater customers

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Amador County – Amador Water Agency last week sent out an informational letter to Lake Camanche Village water and wastewater customers about funding, costs and practices of the Agency in the systems.

The Public Outreach Committee finalized the letter which in part “tried to share some facts and information directly from the Water Agency.” AWA General Manager Gene Mancebo signed the letter, on approval by the board president. 

Mancebo in the letter said AWA has “completed a major personnel reduction, from 66 employees to 39” and “salaries and benefits have been cut by approximately 50 percent in the Camanche system and likewise for other operations, maintenance and administrative costs.”

He said “AWA directors voted to eliminate their health insurance benefit and reduce their monthly compensation. Employees have foregone salary increases and taken furlough days for the past two years. Our financial records are available to anyone who would like to examine them.” 

In the rate proposal under consideration, Mancebo said Lake Camanche customers who use less water will receive a rate reduction. Customers who use 4 units (3,000 gallons) per month would receive an 11.4 percent rate reduction. Those using 7 units (5,250 gallons a month) would receive a 3 percent reduction.

Mancebo in the said AWA has been awarded “more than $550,000 toward replacing water service lines and improving Camanche’s aging wood water storage tanks,” with work scheduled to begin this summer.

He noted customers’ voting rights, saying “you have the right to protest water rate increases, just as you have had previously. AWA did pass a resolution to use a ballot (which will be mailed to you when AWA considers a rate increase) to record protests against a proposed rate increase, instead of a casual signup sheet.”

Mancebo said “Groups or individuals will still have the ability to go door-to-door and discuss their opinion in public gatherings, but AWA will require that you use the official protest form, similar to any election where you fill out a ballot.”

Story by Jim Reece This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Read 1377 times Last modified on Tuesday, 08 May 2012 02:03