Sunday, 04 January 2015 22:22

Sutter Medical Foundation Amador Pediatrics Office Launches Fluoride Varnish Program

JACKSON, Calif. – Sutter Medical Foundation Amador Pediatrics Office, in cooperation with Sutter Medical Group, received a grant to purchase topical fluoride that will be offered to infants and children from the onset of their tooth on or after their six-month birthday. 

Fluoride strengthens the enamel on the teeth. The fluoride varnish is a coating that can be painted on the teeth to prevent tooth decay. The varnish tastes good and doesn’t take long to apply. It is especially important for children in Amador County to receive this varnish due to the lack of any fluoride in the county’s drinking water.

It is recommended that children receive this varnish four times a year from their pediatrician or dentist. Children can receive the varnish during their regular physical until their sixth birthday.

“We are seeing a lot of tooth decay in our patients,” said Dr. Aye Moe, a Sutter Medical Group pediatrician. “Tooth decay is one of the most chronic problems in children. It can affect their speech and eating. Children can get infections from cavities and by offering this varnish, we are hoping to prevent any long-term issues in just one visit.” 

The visit to the pediatrics office for the fluoride varnish does not replace a regular visit to the dentist. Children should establish care with a dentist and make regular visits for checkups.

In addition to Dr. Moe, Sutter Amador Pediatrics office features physicians David Stone, M.D., and Amy Appleton, M.D., and Nurse Practitioner Denise Lack, Ph.D. – who are excited to care for your children. The office, located at 100 Mission Blvd., is now accepting new patients. To make an appointment, call 209-257-1722.

Posted by TSPN TV