Wednesday, 11 February 2015 19:40

Amador County Represented at International Anti-Stigma Conference in SF


PROGRAM: NAMI Meeting February 24, 5PM at Sutter Amador Hospital Outpatient Bldg, Meadow Room

CONTACT: Kelly Trottier, NAMI Amador 223-1485, X266

The 7th International Each Mind Matters Conference, held recently in San Francisco, featured a panel from Amador County, chaired by Christa Thompson, Mental Health Services Act Program Manager and Community Services Manager at Amador Behavioral Health Department. 

A first for Amador County, the theme of the panel “Breaking the Silence: How a Small Rural County Got Talking” reflected the theme “Together Against Stigma”, with leaders from First 5, NAMI Amador and Mental Health America collaborating in telling the story of history-making large public meetings in 2013-14 where mental illness and mental health services were discussed by citizens and policy makers, along with ideas for reducing the social stigma of mental illness. 

At the Tuesday, February 24th NAMI Amador meeting, Ms. Thompson will talk about the panel, recounting the impact of members of the faith community, social service agencies, law enforcement, mental health advocacy groups including professionals, families and consumers sitting together and for the first time discussing mental health/illness in Amador County. 

The presentation is 5:30 – 6:15 in the Meadow Room of Sutter Amador Hospital Outpatient Bldg. and will be preceded by a brief business meeting.  Snacks will be available, courtesy of NAMI Amador.

(Photo attached shows part of the audience for the anti-Stigma Dialogue at Thomi’s banquet room in Jackson in October 2013, perhaps the first public discussion of stigma around mental illness in Amador County.)