Thursday, 22 May 2008 01:34
Ione City Council Handles Full Agenda
The Ione City Council met Tuesday evening to a full agenda, which included the review of an application for CalHome Grants, scheduling a public hearing for the determination of the annual cost per gallon increase for sewer treatment, and a report and update regarding the County-wide ½ cent Special Sales Tax. City Manager Kim Kerr began her presentation on the CalHome Grant process by reminding the council that they are “entering into a new funding cycle” and that the process has changed a bit from last year because monies will be separated into 2 phases with one going specifically to first time homebuyers for mortgage assistance and the other going to local owner occupied rehabilitation, to assist in selling homes. The approximate value of the grant is 900-thousand dollars which would allow for 15 separate 60-thousand dollar loans to be apportioned to local residents. The council approved the authorization to apply for this program unanimously. Next on the agenda was a discussion regarding the scheduling of a public hearing to set and define a new sewer rate for ‘other institutions’ in Ione. The definition given at the meeting for other institutions was “schools, laundry mats, basically everything except for residences.” This rate increase process is an annual requirement for the city, and includes holding a public hearing in May, the notification for the increase going out in June and rates becoming effective July 1st. During the discussion, Councilman Ulm stated that the increase proposed “a lot of issues (in the city),” to which City Manager Kim Kerr responded, “that is why we’re holding a public hearing.” The proposed increase, as stated at the meeting, is currently less than 3 thousandths of a cent. One concern that was continuously stated was the fact that if the rate increase for some businesses proves to be significant, it may contribute to an economic disincentive to conduct business in the City of Ione. The public hearing is scheduled for June 3rd, 2008 at the regularly scheduled council meeting.